Saturday, September 22, 2018

Iran Blames U.S. Backed Allies In The Region For Today's Terror Attack In Ahvaz

BBC: Iran blames Gulf rivals for deadly Ahvaz attack

Iranian leaders have accused US-backed Gulf states of being behind an attack on a military parade that killed 25 people, including a child.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said "puppets of the US" were trying to "create insecurity" in Iran.

Gunmen opened fire at Revolutionary Guard troops and officials in the south-western city of Ahvaz.

Earlier an anti-government Arab group, Ahvaz National Resistance, and Islamic State (IS) both claimed the attack.

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More News On Iran Blaming U.S. Backed Allies In The Region For Today's Terror Attack In Ahvaz

Ahvaz parade attack terrorists trained in two Persian Gulf littoral states -- Mehr News Agency (Iran)
Iran's Khamenei blames Gulf Arab states for military parade attack -- Reuters
Iran says military parade attackers trained by two Gulf states -- Middle East Monitor
Iran blames Gulf states for military parade attack -- Euronews
Iran holds U.S., regional allies accountable for Ahvaz deadly terror attack -- New China
Iran blames ‘regional terror sponsors & their US masters’ after military parade attack -- RT
Iran summons some European envoys over attack on military parade: IRNA -- Reuters
Iran regime fears foreign support for minority groups after attack -- Jerusalem Post
Ahvaz was ‘soft target’ for terrorists, likely backed by Saudi – Iranian experts -- RT
Who attacked Iran's military parade? -- Nic Robertson, CNN
Iran: Who was responsible for the deadly attack in Ahvaz? -- Al Jazeera
Timeline of recent attacks in Iran by militant groups -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Makes sense.

And somewhere in DC and NYC Elliot Abrams, the Kagans and every neocon everwhere fall asleep with hardons dreaming of the fall of the mullahs. Bill Casey and Reagan's ghosts are fully erect as well.

And don't forget Johnny boy Bolton, his d#@k is blowing up.

Anonymous said...

Iran mullah are widely hated among their own people. So KISS suggests, its the locals..They have been oppressed by the Mullahs in that area since the end of the Iran-Iraq war.

Roger Smith said...


You left out a few million other people also in your attempt to do whatever it was you were attempting to do.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:44 you know that how? How much time have you spent in Persia?

Next thing you'll say that the MEK represents millions of Iranians.

Oh yeah, that Regime Change is right around the corner, any minute now.

RussInSoCal said...

The US would not waste time shooting up an Iranian goose-step exhibition. When the US finally gets serious about hurting the mullahs, The US will simply stop the gasoline shipments into Iran.

Iran can refine about half of what it uses.

80 million Iranians would get mighty restless with gasoline at the same the price as caviar.

Anonymous said...

Where is the west coast cabinet making parrot to croak Al Ciada?

Anonymous said...

MEK was supported by Sadam Hussein.

He built a base for them in Iraq kind of like how the Russians and East Germany but up the Baader Meinhof terrorists in 5 star hotels between killing West Germans and Americans.

After 2003 the US kicked MEK out of their base.

So lets hear the tin foil hat conspiracy theories.

fred said...

What we DO know about Iran.
1. Iran in a big and costly war with Iraq
2. Bush invaded Iraq.
3. the day that happened, a friend, a former intel guy, told me that from that point on, Iran would grow, develop, and rule the middle east
4. Iran is now in many parts of Syria, trying to get its proxy army Hezbollah close to Golan Heights.
5. the present administration seems unable or unwilling to do anything or even withdraw from Syria, and clearly Iran,
Syria, and Russia now in cooperation

Anonymous said...

Iran cannot supply enough drinking water to its people. Some colossus.

Bush invaded? Try this. There was an armistice. Sadam broke it.

Do countries that break armistices pay the price or is that only in fairy tales?

Syria has backed Hezbollah for decades. It could put Hezbollah on the Golan Heights any time it wanted.

fred said...

so ready to dismiss Iran? Ok. on the way to having nukes. Has Hezbollah in and running Lebanon...on border in Syria along Golan heights...that for starters. And yes, they are in trouble. But they still represent a big threat
Hez is agent of Iran and Iran has now ally with Russia

Anonymous said...

I don't dismiss Iran. Obama did his best to build it up.

"Iran has now ally with Russia"

You conveniently forgot Iran's ally China.

why is that?

I always remind you of the deep and longstanding money contributions made to Democrats by China.

How come you always avoid it and only mention Russia, Russia, Russia?

Are you a wind up toy?