Saturday, September 22, 2018

New York Times Admits That President Trump Is Right That There Is No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

New York Times: Just Two NY Times Paragraphs On Russiagate - A Striking Admission

This week The New York Times published an epic 10,000 word piece entitled "The Plot to Subvert and Election - Unraveling the Russia Story So Far."

It's essentially the Times' summary of everything that can be definitively established thus far after two years of national obsession and inquiry into alleged Russian election meddling and influence that supposedly ushered Trump into the White House in 2016.

The massive investigative piece has the following lede at the top: For two years, Americans have tried to absorb the details of the 2016 attack — hacked emails, social media fraud, suspected spies — and President Trump’s claims that it’s all a hoax. The Times explores what we know and what it means.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The New York Times investigative post is here .... The Plot to Subvert an Election Unraveling the Russia Story So Far (New York Times). The key paragraph is near the end ....

.... Mr. Trump’s frustration with the Russian investigation is not surprising. He is right that no public evidence has emerged showing that his campaign conspired with Russia in the election interference or accepted Russian money. But the inquiry has buffeted his presidency, provoked concern that his attempts to thwart the investigation amount to obstruction of justice and fed his suspicion that the F.B.I. and intelligence agencies — what he calls “the deep state” — are conspiring against him.


fred said...

But we are told at this site not to trust that paper...and now it is ok?
what is ignored in a lazy reading: "so far nothing PUBLIC, ie, we do not yet have Mueller report

Anonymous said...

Neither do we have the unredacted text messages. At a minimum we'll probably see a lot more violations of the gov employee oath of office [..and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.] If not outright crime, well crimes in the rest of the country. D.C is its own universe.

fazman said...

Apologies any second now .....

Anonymous said...

Trust your common sense, little parrot. I know even you must have it. Buried deep down under all those questionable reasons that make you believe whatever cnn told you for 2 years. Now they don't anymore. You know why? Because they don't want to embarrass themselves. The last guy who claims this nonsense will embarrass him or herself for years to come

Americanadian soldier said...

A true die hard anti Trumper. Would it really change how your liberal heart feels if he was cleared? Nope. hey

Anonymous said...

"But we are told at this site not to trust that paper"

That is not what WNU has told you. He has told you several times that the foreign section of NY Tass is very good. He did not use the word perfect, but something like very good.

The national section of NY Tass is very bad. It is not perfectly bad, it is extremely bad however.

Myself, I believe that at time you have to go not with a brand but author by author. Even an august paper such as the Wall Street Journal employs some whacked out arch-liberals and other liberal wingnuts

Also it has been pointed out that many polling firms changed their sampling techniques closer toward election day as they change gears from propaganda to trying to accurately forecast the election. They will do little things like stop telling little white collar lies such as oversampling Democrats in their polls.

Of course one should not being up the the mechanics of statistics to Fred or he will tell you to wank-off girlie boy, which is rich given his website.

Anonymous said...

All it takes for a process crime of lying to the FBI is for one person to give a slightly different version of events than someone else.

Then the FBI uses favoritism to pick and choose, who to prosecute.

Armitage leaked Valerie Plame's name. His patron was Colin Powell.

Scooter Libby probably confirmed the name to a reporter at a later date. His patron was Dick Cheney.

Armitage never had a glove laid on him.

Scooter went to prison.

1/2 way through the investigation the independent counsel knew the truth and kept right on going seeing how many process crimes he could rack up.

fred said...

I stand by my statement: we do not as yet have a public statement. period. The Mueller report is to give one. Till that is given, the paper is correct and your reading is faulty....yours, the parrot

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Stop with your narrative. We - well most of us here, except Fred,of course, believe in innocence until proven guilt.heard of that? If you're a democrat you seem to be keen to forget it if it fits your agenda and believe system. Thank God judges and juries don't work like you do. Otherwise you'd be calling Trump a traitor - one of the highest crimes - without reason. That's what Fred did for two years. That's what CNN, MSNBC and the NYT did. For 2 years. 24/7. With no evidence. Of course we don't trust the NYT. We don't need wnu to tell us that. I personally appreciate his view as it has been consistent with my own, but importantly with the facts on the ground. So yeah. Nice try yawn

Anonymous said...

Fred.don't confuse things. I'm the one who has been telling you to wait for evidence - for two years, little parrot. While I've been watching you spew leftist nonsense only to be embarrassed a couple days later, sometimes even on the same page of the comment section. Hit after hit against your beak, but the little parrot was so busy picking up new CNN droppings the little parrot never realised what he did.. well maybe soon you will wake up. Here's hoping.

Wait for the evidence..took you only 2 years of me telling you that and about 80+ years of human life span independent thinker you're not. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy making fun of you, little parrot

Anonymous said...

Mueller is not going to give a statement until Trump is driven out of office or it becomes political untenable for Mueller to remain.

Mueller's job having found no collusion or knowing there was none in the 1st place is to be a bleeding ulcer on Trump's administration in order for the Democrats to prevail.

Mueller is a partisan Democrat. He knows his duty to the DNC.

He is know different than Comey or Rosenstein. Comey once out of office displayed every liberal position and talking point like a peacock.

I expect Rosenstein to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Everyone of the Russians at the Trump Tower meeting were connected to Hillary.

Time to throw her in a supermax.

Anonymous said...

Fred could add this beautiful naked picture of Christine Ford.

She is white, so Fred may post it. Fred deosn't seem to like coloured girls. Racist?

Anonymous said...

It appears that Christine Ford may have been a slut.

fred said...

I remain firm in this simple one is guilty until proven guilty. I will gladly applaud the report if given in full whether it find Trump fully innocent or guilty in any collusion with Russia. To suggest otherwise by those making comments here is simply wrong. Again: I wait for the full report and not for wishes and guesses.

Anonymous said...

"I remain firm in this simple position..."

"In the meantime Democrats will campaign and win elections on innuendo.


So long suckers" - Democrat Party Hack

Anonymous said...

Collusion is not even a crime.

It is an echo chamber talking point for herd beasts.

The Demoncrat party has not told us what the supposed quid pro quo would have been.

There were pro- & anti- Trumnp ads by bots

There were pro- & anti- Hillary ads by bots

Somehow in the pea brains of Democrats this proves collusion.

Democrat voters need group therapy.

Anonymous said...

What Mueller is trying to prove is that the anti-Trump ads proves there was a quid pro quo between Trump whereby Putin's trolls change the voting habits of impressionable Democrat voters and gets him elected. In return Trump gives the launch codes to Putin.

There is just a ton of evidence. That is why Mueller is taking so long.

I should go over to Huffpo and plant that idea. Liberals would be more nutso than they are now.

Complete morons.

Roger Smith said...

"no public evidence"...the loophole. Akin to Allah willing.
Still, if there was any evidence, for it to not have been leaked is not the way to bet.

fred said...

again: evidence if any will be in Mueller report. when that becomes roger. Mueller team already recognized for its ability to prevent leaks...all here so restless to absolve the president prior to the report. wonder why ? hold in it, as you were taught, till the proper time...sure, it hurts you...poor lads...but call me names if that get you off

fred said...


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile dyed-in-the-wool Democrat will pool the lever for anything with a (D) bends its name.

I daresay that dyed-in-the-wool wingnut would vote for Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley and attend a Nation Of Islam sermon on the evils of Jews.


Now, that is dedication!

Wingnut always cries real tears about the tariffs. Wingnut never says how America will pay for trade deficits year after year.


Never proposes an alternative


Anonymous said...

You have to wonder what the Democrat party has on a person when the vote Democrat after this:


or is it this

Sad people do not realize when the party has left them.

Now they are in bed with anti-Semites and ...

Anonymous said...

The Fairness doctrine and Net Neutrality are laws whereby Liberals silence their competition.

Conservatives have been against these laws forever over 38 years.

So where do the Russians come in exactly?

fred said...

how many lament to loss of the GOP, you know, fiscal responsibilty and balanced budget etc?
do not find one bad apple and condemn the orchard...fact: front page is very shabby journalism by any standard.
as for I post easy to solve! You don't like, stop going there. Suddenly the underage seem wordy about porn diversity! go daily HERE before making judgements
Democrats at bed with anti semites? All my Jewish friends are traditional Democrats and yes, we all honored and celbrated our New Year, despite the poop here from those who are so spiritual

Anonymous said...


About the emails in regards to the Net Neutrality.

I did not send an email to the FCC. I should have. But some of work for a living.

We do not have every government entity on speed dial. Apparently, we should as the Dimocrats will try to hijack government.

fred said...


Rep. Matt Manweller accused of underage relationship with former student
---Paul Gosar: Siblings savage congressman in attack advert
--Minnesota Rep. Jim Knoblach ends campaign amid daughter's allegations of inappropriate touching

fred said...

Innuendo is NOT an Italian suppository
Meantime, all the nonsense in these comments remains just that...childish. I will wait for the Mueller report. If nothing there, and you are sure, why the need to dismiss it before it is issued? a person convinced in the rightness of his position would gladly wait to be vindicated by the issuing of the full report

Anonymous said...

"how many lament to loss of the GOP, you know, fiscal responsibilty and balanced budget etc? "

Obama never had a balanced budget. My God, you lie like a !

Fred, be reasonable. Quit being such a stinker. I d not do tiny URLs. It is not a good safe internet practice.

AYANNA PRESSLEY. Ocassio-Cortez, Keith Ellison, etc are traditional Democrats?

"fact: front page is very shabby journalism by any standard."

Front Page is not the only reporting on your heroine Ayanna

"Dem Candidate Held Event With Nation of Islam Members Outside Radical Mosque"

"Progressive Dems try to catch some of Ocasio-Cortez’s lightning in a bottle" - Yahoo

"hosted an event including volunteers in union T-shirts and members of the Nation of Islam, outside the mosque where Malcolm X once served as minister"

So now Fred is in bed with the Nation of Islam.

Some people cannot be honest with themselves much less others.

Your party has left you. Wake up.

Anonymous said...

Full Report?

Mueller and Democrats leaked almost everything and nada, zip zilch, zero

Anonymous said...

Paul Gosar.

I just saw that this morning.

So far what I see is that his sibling put party over family. The are Democrats and are willing to lie.

As to the others Republicans do not stand behind sex offenders. Democrats do.

Hillary and you are still standing behind Bill Clinton

"Under Idaho state law at the time, sex between an adult male and a female younger than 18 constituted statutory rape."

Now Bill took all those Lolita flights. Hillary stood bedside him m and you pulled the lever for her.

That makes you look like an ogre. But you are not as cute as Shrek.

Anonymous said...


Success is getting 16,500 votes in a district of 874,000. Winning by 3,500 votes which shows how little dems cared about the primary.

fred said...

catty girlie boy comments here are right out of grade many in GOP this week alone unmasked? sure. they dropped out of campaigns...and so you point to this or that in Dem party from the past?
Decent people are contemptuous of sex offenders. period. \

Anonymous said...

Ellison is unmasked and he did not drop out.

Right out of the Democrat playbook.

Two so far and he is warning his voters, who are contemptuous of sex offenders(?), that there may be more.

Of course once Ellison is Attourney General of Minnesota he can put those women in their damn place.

The Democrat Way

Anonymous said...

This has NOT been your position for two wanted to firm a lynch mob, called trump a traitor and a Putin puppet just last week. *Face palm*

Anonymous said...

OMG that is a fail!

"to firm a lynch mob"

It is 'to find a lynch mob'

I do not mind you trolling. It is not like Fred has been honest or really bright at all.

fred said...

--- A new cloud over Kavanaugh: What did he know about a slimy smear campaign?
Source: Psst, President Trump! The Chinese aren’t paying for the tariffs you’re imposing. We are.
---Source: Kavanaugh Friend Ed Whelan Just Put Himself in Some Major Legal Jeopardy
---Source: Graham: Ford’s testimony won’t change my vote
---Report shows Nike donates more to Republicans than Democrats

fred said...

Source: FBI Agents Association Hits Back At Trump
---Source: Donald Trump expands list of possible Supreme Court picks

Anonymous said...

To Form. ..
Phone autocorrect

Anonymous said...

You were -NOT- waiting for evidence nor the report. You were forming a lynch mob 2 years ago already you liar. Just admit that you completely switched and now keep saying you supposedly are the one who would wait for evidence. No sir. I was the one who told you to wait for evidence. You were the one parroting every CNN headline and repeated that Trump is "a traitor", "a Putin puppet", "a Tyran", "a sex offender" and so many other things - without evidence! For 2 years you a**
And now you pretend.
You make me sick