Sunday, September 23, 2018

Israel Insists Its Jets Not To Blame For Downing Russian Il-20 Spy Plnae

A Russian Il-20 reconnaissance aircraft. © Sergey Pivovarov / Reuters

Times of Israel: IDF rejects Moscow claim of ‘criminal negligence,’ vows to keep targeting Iran

Military responds to Russian defense ministry’s accusation that it’s responsible for Syria downing spy plane, says those involved know the facts.

The Israeli military on Sunday rejected the Russian defense ministry’s claim that it was entirely to blame for the downing of a Russian spy plane by Syrian air defenses during an Israeli strike last week, reiterating that Syria was at fault.

In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces maintained its version of events — that the Russian reconnaissance plane was shot down as a result of indiscriminate Syrian anti-aircraft fire — and said it would continue to act to prevent terrorist groups from obtaining advanced weapons.

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More News On Israel Insisting Its Jets Ar Not To Blame For Downing Russian Il-20 Spy Plane

Israel rejects Russian claims: 'IAF did not hide behind any plane' -- Jerusalem Post
IDF rejects Russian findings on plane downing -- Ynetnews
IDF rejects Russian findings on downed plane; 'did not hide behind any aircraft' -- 24 News
‘We didn’t hide behind any aircraft’: Israel insists its jets not to blame for downing Russian Il-20 -- RT

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