Sunday, September 23, 2018

Moscow Confirms That It Helped Israel Look For Fallen Israeli Soldiers In ISIS-Held Territory

Russian defense ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov gives a briefing on the downing of a Russian Il-20 military plane near Syria, on September 23, 2018. (Screen capture: Russia Today)

Times of Israel: Russia: We helped Israel look for bodies of soldiers in Syria

Moscow says one of its officers was injured in an attempt to locate the remains of IDF servicemen in Islamic State-held territory.

Russia on Sunday claimed that its military worked with Israel on an operation to locate the remains of fallen IDF soldiers inside Islamic State-held territory in Syria.

The Russian defense ministry did not specify when or where the alleged operation took place. However, it appeared to be connected to searches in Syria reported earlier this year to find the bodies of three Israeli servicemen killed in the first Lebanon War.

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WNU Editor:  This appears to be connected to three Israeli servicemen killed in the first Lebanon War.


fred said...


Antitroll said...

This is in regards to dirty Israeli turds who support headchoppers and died supporting them

Anonymous said...

Israeli soldiers among isis .. why does this not surprise me?

Anonymous said...

What a load of toss

Anonymous said...

Because your a paranoid tin foil wearing nut...