Thursday, September 13, 2018

Leaked Google Video Shows Google Executives Upset Over Trump Presidential Win

Daily Mail: Leaked video shows Google co-founder Sergey Brin comparing Trump voters to 'fascists' as he vows to thwart rise of populism in the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election

* Footage obtained by Breitbart shows Google leadership discussing the result
* They were filmed at their first conference of 2016 after the election took place
* Google co-founder Sergey Brin says he feels 'deeply offended' by the result
* Brin later says data shows a correlation between 'boredom' and voting for Trump
* He then goes on to argue that there is a link between 'boredom' and 'fascism'
* Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO, also says there is a lot of 'fear' after the results
* CFO Ruth Porat appears to break down in tears when discussing the election
* Porat also instructs the audience to hug one another saying 'we all need a hug'
* Senior VP for Global Affairs, Kent Walker, says the company will stop populism
* Walker says that 'populism could lead to a world war or something catastrophic'
* Instead Walker says that Google must ensure populism is just 'a blip or hiccup'
* The video was leaked as Google faces questions from the President over bias
* Trump tweeted last week that Google was burying Conservative search results

Leaked video from a Google conference held in the wake of the 2016 Presidential Election shows the company's co-founder comparing Trump voters to 'fascists'.

The footage, obtained by Breitbart, also shows the company's executives vowing to halt the rise of populism and urging employees to console one another after the election result.

The damaging video pours further doubt onto Google's claims of political impartiality just a few days after it was accused of trying to boost Latino voter turnout to help Hillary Clinton.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It took almost two years .... but someone decided to leak this video to Breitbart knowing that it will reach a massive audience. As to what are my impressions of this video. These people are intolerant, show no curiosity, are close-minded, exhibiting a cock-sure arrogance that they are better than anyone else. As for the company itself .... more ammunition to those who claim that the company has a mono-business-culture that is intolerant of opposing views. So the next question I have is the following .... has Google changed their search result algorithm to promote their political bias, and have they shadow-ban those that they do not like? I will await their denials.

Update: Google is saying "with a straight face" that this video does not suggest 'any political bias' .... Google: Video of post-2016 election meeting does not suggest 'any political bias' (Washington Examiner). More denials here .... Responding to leaks, Google denies political bias (ABC News). When I read this denial I just broke out laughing. All that I can say is just watch the video. It drips nothing but political bias.

Update #2: No kidding .... Leaked 2016 video will fuel conservative worries about Google bias (Ars Technica)

More News On Leaked Google Video Showing Google Executives Upset Over Trump Presidential Win

LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election -- Breitbart
Leaked video shows Google execs troubled by Trump election -- AFP
Google execs lament Trump win in leaked video -- The Hill
Leaked Video: Google Execs Bemoan Trump Election in 2016 -- USA Today
Google bosses upset over Trump election victory, leaked video shows -- FOX News
Breitbart posted a leaked video of Google’s first all-hands meeting after the 2016 election -- The Verge
Google executives called Trump voters ‘extremists’ & vowed to fight populism (VIDEO) -- RT


fred said...

That some people got upset is hardly a surprise. After all, look at how upset those that work with Trump in the administration are with him

Anonymous said...

This video is like a bad SNL skit...these people truly live in a bubble.

fred said...

Google defends Trump election reaction

fred said...

George Washington University stands by Puerto Rican death toll study
George Washington University (GWU) is standing behind a study produced by university researchers that determined Hurricane Maria led to the deaths of nearly 3,000 Puerto Ricans.

The statement backing up the university's study comes hours after President Trump on Thursday morning called into question the death toll, claiming it was inflated by Democrats.

fred said...

When democracy fails!

House Republicans block Democrats' request for Trump-Putin meeting details

Steve said...

Are you a Russian troll. For a Canadian whose country is slammed mercilessly by my president, you tend to side 100% with Trump. You have an abnormal amount of articles from Russian give controlled media(rot, spunnik). So are you an agent of influence

Anonymous said...

НЕТ ... почему ты так сказал?

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail, Washington Examiner, ABC, and Ars Technica are Russian newspapers. They were set up by Putin himself.

Anonymous said...

Да, он утверждал это и предоставлял нулевые доказательства, если источники новостей использовались.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

“Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best, he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear his shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.”

- Robert Heinlein

So, if you are ignorant of mathematics and science, then picking a side in a debate on global warming and many other contentious science issues comes down to picking you priest, who could be say mumbo jumbo or blowing sweet nothings in your ear.

Anonymous said...

The statement backing up the university's study ..., claiming it was inflated by Democrats.

He who wears shoes and does not crap on the floor has picked a witch doctor to follow.

Cuz ya know, not quite human does not know statistics, so it cannot verify the statistical study for itself.

Anonymous said...

Да, он утверждал это и предоставлял нулевые доказательства, если источники новостей использовались.
To the writer of the above; Do you have any idea of what you are doing?

RussInSoCal said...

The mumbling male at the beginning is Sergey Brin, worth $55B, lying about having been a 'refugee'. His parents managed to immigrate from the Soviet Union in 1979, fully 10 yrs before its collapse. When little Sergeyevich was 6. He's an immigrant, not a 'refugee'.
The woman who runs YouTube let Brin et al start up Google in her garage. Brin married her sister, she runs 23andMe.

This 'family' is harvesting everything there is to know about us. They and their progressive-fascism are an existential threat to our Republic.

Anonymous said...

"His parents managed to immigrate from the Soviet Union in 1979, "

Between 1974 and 1979 was the USSR high tide mark.

It was ebb tide for the U.S.

So did Brin come here for the American Dream?

The Soviets were everywhere in Africa (Mozambique, Angola, Ethiopia, Somalia). They overran Afghanistan. They certainly looked like winners.

"Red Storm Rising" certainly seems plausible in the 1980s minus the "Ra Ra Ra" happy ending. You would not expect your life expectancy to be very long in Europe if you were an American soldier and yet you go.

Anon #87 said...

" RussInSoCal said...

This 'family' is harvesting everything there is to know about us. They and their progressive-fascism are an existential threat to our Republic.

September 13, 2018 at 8:02 PM "

I have a hard time feeling bad about anyone who gives them intimate bio details to use a " free " social media site.
After all, the most expensive things are always labeled "free".

The Brin's and other Tech Masters are indeed Neo-Fascists. They expect the world to have two tiers, the lower one subsistence socialism for the masses and the upper an untouchable elite that privatizes profit and the government subsidizes corporate losses.

Anonymous said...

Notice how quick Fred posted to defend the Holy sites of Google and Twitter.