Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Should The U.S. Navy Be Worried That China Could Have 4 Aircraft Carriers By 2022?


National Interest: China Could Have 4 Aircraft Carriers by 2022: Should the Navy Be Worried?

To what end is Beijing building this force? How many carriers will the PLAN ultimately build? Is China growing a carrier force meant to protect its interests or expand them? We simply don’t know—but we will certainly find out.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy—more commonly known outside of China as the Chinese Navy—is modernizing at a breakneck pace. Chinese shipbuilders have built more than one hundred warships in the past decade, a build rate outstripping the mighty U.S. Navy. Most importantly, China now has two aircraft carriers—Liaoning and a second ship under sea trials—and a third and possibly fourth ship under construction. With such a massive force under construction it’s worth asking: where does PLA naval aviation go from here?

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WNU Editor: I am sure the Pentagon is concerned on the rapid growth of China's aircraft carrier fleet. But the ones who should be really concerned .... and they are .... are China's neighbors.


jac said...

Aircraft carrier is a projection of force, not a defensive one. The question is: where does China want to project its force?

RussInSoCal said...

One of China's main problems is that they have very limited port of call infrastructure. No network of friendly ports or logistics chain to service their fleet.

Americanadian soldier said...

Goodbye Taiwan