Thursday, September 20, 2018

U.S. State Department Says Worldwide Terrorist Attacks Decreased By 23 Percent In 2017

CNN: US says worldwide terrorism deaths decreased 27% last year

The number of deaths and attacks attributed to terrorism significantly decreased in 2017 according to a new report by the State Department's Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism.

"The total number of terrorist attacks worldwide in 2017 decreased by 23%" compared to 2016, the Department's Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Nathan Sales, told reporters Wednesday.

"The total deaths due to terrorist attacks decreased by 27%," he added.

Sales said the "overall trend was largely due to dramatically fewer attacks and deaths in Iraq," where a US-led military coalition has helped eject ISIS from much of the country.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. State Department's report is here .... Country Reports on Terrorism 2017 (US State Department)

More News On The U.S. State Department Report Stating That Worldwide Terrorist Attacks Decreased By 23 Percent In 2017

State Dept: Worldwide terrorist attacks decreased by 23 percent in 2017 -- The Hill
Fewer Attacks, but a More Complex Terrorist Threat in 2017, U.S. Says -- The New York Times
Islamist militants adapted after losses: U.S. State Dept. -- Reuters
Terror attacks down but global threat more 'complex': US report -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Remember when Mr. Bendover, Obama, dropped leaflets on ISIS?

Well, Trump drops real bombs on ISIS

Big difference.

Anonymous said...

But Obama got a Nobel peace price!!!!! At the very beginning of his admin. How cool was that?