Tuesday, October 16, 2018

China Issues A Terrifying Warning To Australia Over Following U.S. Into A 'Cold War'

China has issued a terrifying warning to Australia after it emerged that the Morrison government would be increasing its naval cooperation with the US in the South China Sea

Daily Mail: 'Our fragile peace could be shattered by the slightest misstep': China's terrifying warning to Australia over following US into a 'Cold War'

* The China Daily has warned Australia of a 'Cold War' if it joins forces with the US
* US and China conflict over South China Sea could threaten $3 trillion in trade
* Last week Australia condemned Chinese militarisation of the South China Sea
* The warning comes in response to this and said US is leading us 'by the nose'
* PM Scott Morrison wants strong and peaceful relationships with both countries

China has issued a chilling warning to Australia after it emerged that the Morrison government would be increasing its naval cooperation with the US in the South China Sea.

An editorial published in the China Daily, the state media outlet, said that Australia was walking a ‘tightrope’ between the US and China.

It warned of a ‘Cold War’ if the government aligned too closely with the US.

China and America are caught in conflict over the South China Sea which sees a third of the world’s shipping pass through it every year, carrying more than $3 trillion in trade.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is comments like this one that gives China the lousy rap that it deserves.


Anonymous said...

BFD. Name the country that 15 years ago sent its army 6000 miles to the other hemisphere to illegally attack, invade and occupy Iraq. The same country that illegally occupies large parts of Syria and is committing war crimes in Yemen.

China builds up a few reefs and puts a couple of airstrips on them and that is allegedly some grave aggression. America launches actual illegal wars of aggression; bombs and kills hundreds of thousands of civilians and its no biggy.

China, a country portrayed as a grave threat to peace and security, has a million miles to go to catch America's long history of mass murder by incineration in North East Asia, South East Asia and the ME.

Americanadian soldier said...

Like we’re not already in s Cold War? China’s gotta go bottom line. It will be a worthy fight.

fred said...

My take: China in a relatively few years, rose as important economic power...now it is expanding into regions economically (ie,S.A., Africa) where the US set up bases to fight insurgent groups....Next China begins to build islands in the China Sea and announces Our Zone, keep away...where is this leading? China has replaced Russia as the counter empire in a new cold war, claiming in this instance that the Asian sphere as they define it is theirs...two super powers then. Central to the puzzle: what role will Russia play in this confrontation between the East and West

Anonymous said...

Sorry but you don't know what you're talking about. All nations in Asia - except north Korea - hate and despise Chinese. I know. I've been there years. First hand experience. You have no clue and just blab an embarrassing simplistic line

fred said...

Dear Anon
If you want to disagree with, then by all means do so...But to call me names is childish and not useful
I had been in Asia a long time before you...1950...and have family living and working in China...so background is not an issue.
What I am saying is NOT that nations in the region all love China...far from it...what I am saying is that China will be the important power in the Asian region, like them or not.

fred said...

And I should not that you are right. China is NOT liked by Asian nations but that article I have linked to also notes the growing importance of China as the chief regional power.It is, then, not simply a matter of likes and dislikes

Anonymous said...

Fred...look again. I didn't even talk to you. You're so used to getting called out on your BS that you now expect every line to be directed at you. That's cute, little parrot. I've been to all E-SE Asian countries except DPRK. What about you, and your 1950s knowledge? Welcome to 2018 by the why. Things are a bit different now, then 70 years ago, you know?

Anonymous said...


1) I'm right
2) I wrote a short message from phone. So it's ofc a bit simplistic
3) you're getting confused

But ..

I appreciate your honesty. I value that in any man or woman. +1 from me. Have a good day, Sir. And don't take my criticism personal. I criticise your words, not you as a person. I'm sure you're a decent man and I thank you for your service.

Antitroll said...

Eff Australia , bunch of other scum convicts from the UK anyways 😂

Anonymous said...

Fred is such a fat loser

kidd said...

It's your soul not mine north America warparty

Crusader said...

As an aside to all the snarky remarks; I'm on the Board of Trustees for the school my kids go to. I live in a part of Auckland, NZ which has a high proportion of Chinese migrants.
Last month we were approached by a third party with a large 'donation' to help fund a Chinese-friendly special classroom.
I was naturally skeptical about where the monies came from, as I have a wall dedicated to the names of people/families who've donated - this is so that bragging rights can be attributed.
When I repeatedly asked where the cash was coming from the answer was from someone within the local Chinese consulate. At that point, alarm bells rang. We declined the donation (it would've covered a year's worth of much-needed funding).
My point - Chinese tentacles are spreading. Even where you least expect it.
Another case in point: the local council wants to carve up an inner city golf course for a Chinese garden funded by - yip, you guessed it - the Chinese government.
Naturally, I'm fighting that one too.

fazman said...

Da comrade da

Anonymous said...

Aussie here. China is by far our biggest trading partner. The majority of our iron ore, coal and minerals go to China. On top of that Chinese students studying here in Australia prop up funding for our universities. If the Chinese pull the plug on trade with Australia we would be completely rooted. May need to start eating kangaroo and koala steaks again :)

fazman said...

It hits them hard to, they aren't lapping it up here for the love of it.

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