Tuesday, October 30, 2018

U.S. President Trump Preparing To End Birthright Citizenship

Axios: Exclusive: Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order

President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said yesterday in an exclusive interview for "Axios on HBO," a new four-part documentary news series debuting on HBO this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT.

Why it matters: This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting "anchor babies" and "chain migration." And it will set off another stand-off with the courts, as Trump’s power to do this through executive action is debatable to say the least.

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WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and a few blocks from my home are a row of apartment buildings that act essentially as a dumping ground for illegal immigrants to stay in Canada until their immigration/asylum case is heard (which takes a long time). I would say that almost half the women who are there are pregnant. Is birthright citizenship being abused in Canada .... from my part of the world I would have to say yes. Is it being abused in the U.S. .... I would not be surprised. I know in Europe .... the U.K., France, etc. .... these countries eliminated birthright citizenship a few years ago. Russian citizenship is interesting. If one of your parents were a Soviet citizen and you were born abroad, you can claim Russian citizenship even though you never lived there.

More News On President Trump Preparing To End Birthright Citizenship

Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies -- AP
Trump targets U.S. birthright citizenship ahead of elections -- Reuters
US mid-terms latest: Trump vows to end birthright citizenship -- BBC
Trump suggests he will end birthright citizenship with executive order -- The Guardian
'I'll end anchor babies': Trump vows to revoke 'ridiculous' birthright citizenship of children born to illegal immigrants by executive order -- Daily Mail
Donald Trump says he wants to revoke birthright citizenship in the US with an 'executive order' -- ABC News Online
Trump plans order to end birthright citizenship for migrant babies -- UPI
US President Trump plans to end birthright citizenship: Axios -- Al Jazeera
A look at the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause -- AP


RussInSoCal said...

Well, fire up the left-wing berserker bus. It’s gonna be a wild ride. Progressive cat 5 shitstorm inbound.

Anonymous said...

Useless stunt. Rubes will lap it up, that's why they are rubes.

Anonymous said...

Well, the thing about the Russian citizenship is that very few people want to migrate to Russia.

B.Poster said...

Each country will have to make decisions on their immigration policies based upon their situations. Birthright citizenship has been an area where those who wish America harm have been abusing for decades. It's actually long past time this loophole was closed. At one time perhaps it made sense but does not now and has not for decades.

This is the right decision by Trump, however, while I do wonder about the timing, doing the right thing now is better than not doing the right thing at all. In other words, better late than never.

This isn't exactly a big ticket item for Americans in general so it obviously is not being done for partisan political reasons. I would expect this to be challenged in court. Given the current makeup of our courts, I am not optimistic that they are going to do the right thing and hold up the Executive Order.

I have always been impressed by people who do the right thing in the face of unreasonable opposition at considerable risks to themselves along with little to no upside potential. Kudos to president Trump here.

As I understand it, Russia faces a declining population. As such, their "interesting" policy on this probably makes sense based upon their unique needs. As for America, maybe this policy made sense at one time. It doesn't now and it has been used by unscrupulous elements wishing to hurt America for decades. It's long past time the loophole was closed.

Philoctes said...

Speaker Ryan: ‘You cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order’

His comments come as some GOP lawmakers say Congress must act.

fazman said...

Steven Seagal would disagree

Anonymous said...

Then he wouldn’t need his wall...

fazman said...

Would he prefer its ended with a civil war in 25 years?

B.Poster said...

"Would he prefer civil war in 25 years?" It has to be understood that "birthright citizenship" is being exploited as,part of a,multi-pronged invasion strategy. This along with the hordes coming across the southern border are but two,prongs in this strategy.

I recognized this 25 years ago. I'm pleased to see that more of my countrymen and women are finally catching on.

As I understand it, your country Australia actually has a sensible immigration policy. Hopefully my country America will as well. Given thst,more of us are catching on, there is cause for optimism.

As for Mr. Ryan, he is "retiring." From observing his political career, it seems he'd happily sell us out to further his bottom line. I don't think he's thought through the long range ramifications of his actions though.

Anonymous said...

How bout we build a wall around Texas, lotta weirdos down there.

Anonymous said...

"How bout we build a wall around Texas, lotta weirdos down there."
Try it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't play the triggered game with a Texan. They have different triggers, and wouldn't mind using them on kale munching weaklings who blab cnn talking points