Thursday, October 25, 2018

President Trump Says He Rarely Uses A Cell-Phone In Response To A New York Times Article That China And Russia Are Listening To His Calls

Previous Post: The Russians And Chinese Are Listening In On President Trump's Phone Calls (October 24, 2018)

WNU Editor: This New York Times article has been re-posted all across the world (including on this blog) .... and it appears to be a made-up story. I have mentioned it before .... I like the New York Times coverage of world events, but whenever they post a story on President Trump, their bias and agenda shows. Bottom line .... here is another example of fake news.


Anonymous said...

Hey, HEY!
I told you, do not stray away from the media narrative.
I'll repeat it once more for you, it's simple:

Trump = Bigot, racist, deplorable, idiot, mentally unstable, a nazi, a fascist, a sexist, ALL IN ONE PERSON! he is like Hitler times a million. Got it?

Do not report anything else on him, or you will be the scorn of the Main Stream Media - who are never wrong, cannot do wrong and are the holiest of the holy.

When they laugh about Trump being shot, assassinated, decapitated it's hilarious! Get it? So funny!!

When Trump makes jokes (with his audience laughing and ackonwledging it's a joke) about bodyslamming fake news reporters it's a clear sign he is evil and a Nazi.

Please learn your lesson, wnu. In this new world order the left gets to do what they want and we have to obey.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Read an article in a WW2 magazine over a decade ago.

A veteran of the Battle of the Bulge wrote about fighting the Germans on the northern flank of the Bulge and how they sacrificed themselves.

He said the Germans really had no chance of breaking through in his unit's sector, but that was not the point. The point was the Germans were applying so much pressure that his unit could not pull people from the line and send as reinforcement to units south of them, who were getting overrun by Germans.

It was all about keeping the pressure up and tying down his unit.

This is what the New York Times is doing. IT is keeping up the pressure while sacrificing its credibility ... what little it has left.

Because if the NYT's side wins they can always recoup their losses over time.

Only fools and people gathering intel read the New York Times.