Thursday, October 25, 2018

Russian Missile Identified As Anti-Satellite Weapon Will Be Ready For Warfare By 2022

This is a graphic depicting the MiG-31 satellite launch concept. Public Domain

CNBC: Mysterious Russian missile identified as anti-satellite weapon will be ready for warfare by 2022

* A mysterious missile photographed last month on a Russian jet is believed to be a mock-up of an anti-satellite weapon, three sources with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report say.
* The Russian anti-satellite weapon, which is attached to a space launch vehicle, is expected to target communication and imagery satellites in low Earth orbit, according to one source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
* The weapon is expected to join Moscow’s arsenal by 2022.

WASHINGTON — A never-before-seen missile photographed last month on a Russian MiG-31 interceptor is believed to be a mock-up of an anti-satellite weapon that will be ready for warfare by 2022, three sources with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report say.

The Russian anti-satellite weapon, which is attached to a space launch vehicle, is expected to target communication and imagery satellites in low Earth orbit, according to one source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. For reference, the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope travel in low Earth orbit.

Images of the mysterious missile on a modified Russian MiG-31, a supersonic near-space interceptor, appeared in mid-September.

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WNU Editor: WNU covered this story a few weeks ago .... Is This A Russian Anti-Satellite Weapon? (October 1, 2018).


Anonymous said...

SpaceX is going to make those missiles useless. Falcon Heavy will be used as a giant dispenser of cubesats and small sats to replace many functions provided by big expensive satellites these Russian missiles are targeting. Cubesats and small sats that are single purpose, cheap and easily replaced by the thousands will be impossible to degrade or destroy.

SX is a revolutionary force the Russians can't adapt too.

Anonymous said...

Very true Anon. That is until a cheaper way of taking satellites down is found.

Anonymous said...

lol I think I know the above anon SX fanboy :D don't take him seriously guys, he's probably high right now

B.Poster said...


Very rrspectfully I'm not much interestdd in what happened back in the 80s. Besides all that the people who did such things back in the 80s are long since retired or dead. Lately we're not doing so well against the Russians strategically or tactically. Of course being Canadian yourself this probably doesn't matter to you. After all should a confrontation with arguably the most powerful mikitary force on the planet go awry neither you nor your loved ones are in any danger. Americans are however. It is the heads of my loved ones who are on the chopping block should the plan to confront such a powerful military force go awry and by all appearances this is a half baked poorly conceived plan being implemented by incompetent boobs.

Confront Russia with courage and conviction if we must. There better be a very good reason for it. Not only has the US government not provided such a reason but it appears is going out of its way to needlessly provoke this conflict. In other words, it hasn't been adequately explained as to why we need a new Cold War that risks going hot at any time with arguably the world's most powerful country where winning is going to be problematic at best, the American lives lost as well as the economic loss to Americans will be astronomical, and even if we somehow "win" what of strategic value is gained to make this worth it.

Agaun, very respectfully, in view of the high stakes involved I'm not much interested in what happened in the 1980s. I'm more interested in what is happening today. Of course as a Canadian you're unaffected. Were you American and it is your loved ones whose lives are at stake you might look at such things differently.

B.Poster said...

Anon (3:52),

I can't attest to the mental state of Anon, 3:28. With that said I agree with your assessment of SoaceX. This company is a joke and a sick one at that. To think this company would or could have an important role in challenging the most powerful soace force on the planet is problematic at best.

B.Poster said...


Thank you for the reply. Possibly I did at one point say "Russia is the most powerful military force ever." Now I'm not convinced of that. It is possible the US could win.

While the US may have had such technology 30 years ago, we had cars 30 years ago. Cars today are better than they were 30 years ago. Given the Russian recent track record, I think its reasonable to assume today's Russian version is going to better than anything the US had 30 years ago.

I didn't mean to suggest NATO should give up. It would be a good idea to avoid needlessly provoking Russia. At least this is how the optics appear. At a minimum, NATO cannot be expanded. The US is simply in no position to take in any more liabilities right now. Bottom lihe: we need to end Cold War 2.

I do not hate my country's military. Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. I do not like seeing them sent on fruitless, pointless, and endless missions around the world that not only don't advance our interests but actually undermine them. I also do not like seeing them used as pawns by foreign countries nor do I like it when my government needlessly provokes arguably the most powerful countries in the world. I actually wanted to be in the military but my eyesight is poor.

While the US military is not useless, it is badly worn down and depleted as I have documented elsewhere. In fact, if properly deployed, I think it could be a reasonably effective force to defend America. In its current state, it's going to be problematic at best for them to carry out the operations they are being asked to.

In fact, I think it is unethical to place this kind of a disproportionate burden on the US military or the American people. I think the case could be made that those who would do this hate the American military and the American people if we assume such people have actually thought this through.

You may be materially correct about the comparisons of US and Russian forces, however, I think, at a minimum, you are leaving out Russian subs.

"You're a smart man." Thank you for the kind compliment. You are as well.