Thursday, October 25, 2018

Saudi Arabia Says Saudi Journalist Khashoggi’s Killing Was Planned And Deliberate

Washington Post: Saudi Arabia says Khashoggi’s killing was premeditated in latest reversal

ISTANBUL — Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor said on Thursday that Jamal Khashoggi was killed in a planned operation, based on information it received from Turkish investigators in Istanbul, according to a statement from the kingdom’s Foreign Ministry.

It is the latest reversal from Saudi authorities, who last week said Khashoggi was killed accidentally in a fistfight at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul by “rogue” agents.

The Foreign Ministry did not say what led the prosecutor to draw that conclusion, only that it was based on information shared by Turkish investigators working with Saudi officials in Turkey. According to the statement, the Saudi prosecutor will continue its investigation based on the new information.

Shortly after Khashoggi disappeared on Oct. 2 while retrieving a document at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkish authorities said he was killed in a premeditated attack by 15 Saudi agents sent to Turkey with the purpose of killing the journalist, who had been critical of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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WNU Editor: The two big questions that remain unanswered are .... who ordered this murder, and is this the first time that Saudi Arabia ordered a killing of a dissident.

More News On Saudi Arabia Saying That Jamal Khashoggi’s Killing Was Planned And Deliberate

Jamal Khashoggi case: All the latest updates -- Al Jazeera
Changing story again, Saudi Arabia says killing was planned -- AP
Jamal Khashoggi's murder 'premeditated' - Saudi prosecutor -- BBC
Jamal Khashoggi killing premeditated, says Saudi prosecutor -- The Guardian
Jamal Khashoggi murder was premeditated, Saudi prosecutor says -- ABC News Online
Saudi Arabia admits Jamal Khashoggi death was intentional -- DW


Anonymous said...

Well, the answer to the second question is definitely not.

However, the unpopular reality is that in this world of realpolitik, it really doesn't matter. Saudis killing a Saudi on Saudi soil on the orders of the House of Saud, doesn't really matter in the grander scheme of things.

Besides give me a country which is pushing to punish the Saudi's for doing this, and I will give you a country that has done its own share of human rights violations.

There are unfortunately very few innocents in this screwy world.

Anonymous said...

Still not feeling sorry for Kashoggi.

If Stalin stabbed Hitler in the back, would you feel sorry for Hitler?