Thursday, October 4, 2018

Western Nations Accuse Russia Of A Global Hacking Campaign

Daily Mail: Britain, Holland and US spearhead fightback against Putin's cyber war as they reveal how Moscow's web of hackers hit high-profile targets across the globe - including chemical weapons watchdog probing Salisbury attack

* US charges 7 Russian spies with crimes including hacking, identity theft and fraud using crypto-currencies
* British cyber security group accuses Russia's GRU of at least four hacking attacks around the world
* Dutch authorities lift lid on operation to hack chemical weapons HQ in Netherlands in April
* Men were picked up with a cache of computer equipment, linking them to other incidents, and sent home
* US has released wanted poster featuring four Hague hackers and three others linked to anti-doping hacks
* GRU operatives - working under what US identified as Unit 26165 - created fake 'hacktivist' Fancy Bears group
* Russia faces storm of hacking allegations, but denies claims, calling latest evidence 'big fantasies'

Russian hackers waged a four-year disinformation campaign against the west in which they obtained sensitive information from weapons watchdogs and anti-doping sports bodies, it emerged today.

Seven Kremlin agents working for the GRU are accused of hacking the records of 250 athletes from 30 countries as they travelled across the globe using the intelligence obtained to spread fake news designed to bolster President Vladimir Putin's position on the world stage.

The targets included FIFA, the World Anti-Doping Agency and the 2016 US presidential race that resulted in the election of Donald Trump.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Kremlin responds .... Diplomat calls Netherlands’ ‘Russian cyber attack’ allegations ‘spy mania’ syndrome (TASS). More here .... Hacking accusations against Russia a smear campaign timed with NATO cyberwarfare meeting – diplomat (RT).

More News On Russia Being Accused Of A Global Hacking Campaign

Russia cyber-plots: US, UK and Netherlands allege hacking -- BBC
West accuses 'pariah state' Russia of global hacking campaign -- Reuters
West accuses Russian spy agency GRU of scores of attacks -- AP
Russia's GRU spies behind dozens of 'reckless' cyber attacks, Government confirms -- The Telegraph
Dutch government says it disrupted Russian attempt to hack chemical weapons watchdog -- Reuters
Justice Dept. indicts 7 Russian intelligence officers in international hacking scheme -- CNN
U.S. indicts seven Russians for hacking nuclear company Westinghouse -- Reuters
US indicts seven Russian military intel agents in global hacking conspiracy -- AFP
Justice Dept. indicts 7 Russian intelligence officers in international hacking scheme -- CNN


fred said...

Russian Official Linked to Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Trump Tower Lawyer, Is Dead

Anonymous said...

You stated thus:
" fred lapides said...


October 4, 2018 at 10:17 AM
Your promises seem to be as good as your memory.

Anonymous said...

So the Russians are hacking.

So what!

So are the Chinese North Koreans, Iranians and others.

China hacked stuff by insterting hardware onto motherboards.

That Dumb MoFo, Obama said jobs in manufacturing is not coming back.

So I have to ask Dumb MoFo Obama and other completely a-hole Democrats how are we suppose to stay in the post industrial age (i.e. the information age) if we cannot secure our networks because the servers, computers and other network gear is made in China?

At that point you Fumb Ducks it does not matter how much you shout, march, kill Republicans, you will be totally hackable.

The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies

No need to ask, he's a smooth operator
Smooth operator, smooth operator
Smooth operator

Now replace "smooth operator" with "Fumb MotherDucker"

That is the updated lyrics that should be going through your head when you hear a Democrap like Chuck U Schumer talk about Russia and election hacking.

Or any Democrat

We need to build all electronics here in the U.S. Only then can we start to make America safe again (from hacking).

Mean Fumb MotherDucker Obama says:

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,”