Thursday, November 1, 2018

A New Russian Military Base In Cuba?

A display shows excerpts to US President John F. Kennedy's October 22, 1962 televised address about the Cuban Missile Crisis © Reuters / Brian Snyder

RT: Cuban crisis 2.0? Moscow eyes military bases in Cuba after US INF pullout

Moscow’s response to Trump’s plans to quit the INF treaty could be to reinstall military bases in Cuba, the State Duma defense committee head said. He also predicted “a new Cuban crisis” if the US and Russia fail to come to terms.

The US is planning to walk away from the crucial Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, and Russia’s response may well be in the spirit of those times – namely, reactivating military facilities in Cuba. That is according to Vladimir Shamanov, the head of the State Duma defense committee and a former Airborne Troops commander.

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WNU Editor: Russia is busy signing military agreements with Cuba .... Putin’s meeting with Cuba’s appointed president comes with a $50 million loan for weapons (Miami Herald). and the Cuban President is traveling to Moscow today to start a five nation trip .... Cuba's new president reaches out to an old ally (CNN). The other nations that the Cuban President is visiting are China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos .... Cuba’s President Heads for Russia to Start 5-Nation Tour (Havana Times). As to what is my take on the possibility of a new Russian base in Cuba .... if it happens it will be a small base, and it will cater to Russian naval ships. IMHO we should be more focused on China and what it is doing in the Americas. The Chinese are primarily focused on trade, but signing an agreement with Cuba to establish a military base will create a seismic shift in policy vis-a-vis the U.S.. And while it will not happen now, I would not be surprised in a decade or more on the possibility of such an arrangement.

More News On Reports That Russia May Establish A Military Base In Cuba

Cold War Coming Back? Russia ‘Assessing’ Military Base in Cuba as U.S. Set to Leave Nuclear Missile Deal -- Newsweek
Russia ‘assessing’ military base in Cuba as US leaves INF treaty -- Asia Times

Russian-Cuban cooperation not tied to deteriorating relations with West, Kremlin assures -- TASS


Anonymous said...

Wnu - yes, we should focus more on China, BUT a Russian naval base in Cuba, no matter the size, would be a huge deal and invite massive blowback by the Trump administration. And any future complaints by Russia of a Nato expansion to the west would be ignored going forward/Nato would expand rapidly westwards. Russia should think twice. Then think again. Then think about it once more. It's a red line not to be crossed.

Anonymous said...

correction "to the west" should read "to the east"

Bob Huntley said...

I always thought that embassies with military personal performing clerical responsibilities, and of course guard duties provide a quasi mini military base.

Andrew Jackson said...

The Cuban commie scum should be obliterated!

Anonymous said...

The mask has dropped from the Chinese faces. Trump has all but declared economic and diplomatic warfare against the Chinese. So I expect the Chinese to up their activities at a faster pace than before. The limitation now is lack of ships, training and logistics for far flung naval bases, but as soon as they have what is needed, they will ignore the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere.

Russia and North Korea have played the role of irritants to the US and can't challenge the US globally, only China has that capacity starting in the 2020's.

Anonymous said...

I blame Obama and Hillary for this but Trump will tell them all about the Monroe Doctrine

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