Friday, November 2, 2018

Amerca Is Not Ready For The Migration Crisis That Is About To Unfold


Gil Barndollar, National Interest: A Real Immigration Crisis Is Coming to America Sooner Than You Think

While there is no need for American troops on our border now, that day is coming.

With the midterm election days away, America is grappling with what President Donald Trump is calling an immigration crisis. In response to a serpentine caravan of thousands of Central Americans heading to the United States to apply for asylum, Trump has sent active-duty troops to help secure the border with Mexico.

The president announced Wednesday that the number of servicemen sent to the border could reach fifteen thousand—more troops than the United States now has in Afghanistan. One estimate puts the cost of deploying the initial 5,200 soldiers at $50 million . A pittance in the Pentagon scheme of things, but it’s money that could do real good elsewhere. When asked about the decision, Secretary of Defense James Mattis said bluntly, “We don’t do stunts.” Perhaps, then, we should call “Operation Faithful Patriot” an exercise. What it is not is a rational response to a real threat to American national security.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have said it many times on this blog. We in the West have trouble understanding how hard life is in most countries, and the hunger that exists among many to come to the West for a better life. If given the chance, half the global population would immigrate to the U.S. and Europe n the heart-beat with the expectation to enjoy the life that we do. Of course this is not possible .... resources in the West are limited. But this is not going to deter the migration crisis that is growing .... it may actually accelerate it.


kidd said...

What a world

kidd said...

Well it's all political so now what

RussInSoCal said...



Anonymous said...

" If given the chance, half the global population would immigrate to the U.S. and Europe "

Liberals will not admit this, have a plan, or tell voters what their plan is.

Anonymous said...

George Clooney advocates for refugees.

She has several mansions. He could easily put up a dozen refugee families in each mansion, but she doesn't.

Ms Clooney could put up fifty or so refugees in each mansion. They could all eat in the kitchen or living room and call it a great hall.

The refugees could call Ms Clooney Lord, capo/don or senator.

Ms. Clooney could call them serfs/slaves/children, muscle/soldiers or voting fodder.

Scottish Lairds considered or called their tenants and hanger-ons children

We all know capos and dons have muscle or soldiers.

Who knows maybe historians a hundred years form now will record when the Republic died and the Empire was born due to Democrat need for voting fodder. So they imported people and routed the funds through NGOs to keep their hands clean.

Some historian in later years will talk of Lord or Senator Clooney.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Sen Clooney has this in mind

Roger Smith said...


Thank you for your post.

I wonder if this migration and the fleeing from the middle east are the beginnings of a sea change in the world and history.

Mike Feldhake said...

Colonization 2.0 !!! These failed states need help and instead of spending $$ taking on immigrants which will hurt, we need to spend $$ making sure they have countries that can support them.

kidd said...

If I were there I would trying to grow weed in Canada I just might have that one hope .......the new rainbow family