Wednesday, November 28, 2018

China ‘To Overtake U.S. Naval Power In 15 Years’

A nuclear-powered submarine of the People's Liberation Army Navy's North Sea Fleet. Photo: AFP

Peter J. Brown, Asia Times: Naval superpower race: China ‘to overtake US in 15 years’

Unless the US greatly increases spending on its navy, Beijing is set to rule the waves in less than two decades, a new report finds

In the near future, could the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s Navy out-number and outgun the US Navy? According to informed sources, it is not only possible, it is likely within 15 years.

An essay written by Boston College Political Science Professor Robert Ross, an expert on Chinese defense and security policy, appeared in the influential Lawfare blog on November 18. Entitled “The End of US Naval Dominance in Asia,” it warns that at current rates of spending, the days of the US Navy’s position as the world’s dominant sea force are numbered.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The article that the above Asia Times post is referring to is here .... The End of U.S. Naval Dominance in Asia (Robert Ross, Lawfare).


Anonymous said...

“We never believed for one moment that [Trump] was in this to further enrich himself. He was already rich,”

China owned.

Libs owned.

Informed sources owned.

Anonymous said...

Fred take your meds. Or better yet, why don't you backstabber grab a Chinese and a Russian flag and go wave them? You might as well

fazman said...

Maybe if the U.S Sat with their thumb up their ass humming Bye Bye American pie, otherwise no.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. I've been hearing the same story for decades. But, without a leader like Trump it might happen. Imagine hillary would be president now ...omg for the right donation to her charity, Chinese would be mandatory second language in schools.

Anonymous said...

China, I believe, will soon find out how expensive it is to run an Carrier Task Group. There is a reason the US navy has shrunk as much as it has.

If the Chinese want to devote their efforts to make a world class navy, it will have to spend more. A lot more.

The development of one military branch usually comes at the expense of other departments. Do they want to strip the PLA? the PLAAF? How about the Strategic Service? No? What about "Domestic" departments? I doubt very much that they would cut back on the Secret Police, or the Propaganda Departments. I do not believe that They would cripple their Intelligence Services to fund the Navy.

The only option in that case is to try to extort more out of the civilian population. A move that I am sure will have no consequences whatsoever .

If the Chinese are intent on enforcing their will in the region, they will suffer problems in their economy. Push back from the locals and the US.

Their rapid technological advance would be stymied in the case of a new cold war. Technology offshoring will cease, their cyber-warfare programs counterattacked and effectiveness of their research stagnated.

China can only sustain itself, if it stays out of trouble, and if it keeps its markets open.

Now, will China be a force to be reckoned with? Yes, I am sure. I just cannot believe that they would be "equal" to the US Navy. At least, not without an absolutely massive event happening to remove the US from a global hegemonic power position.


Anonymous said...

China is building a lot of ships, but do they have the capacity for innovation, or are they just copying others ideas and building cheaper knock offs?

fred said...

If all the anon dudes can do is post childish insults to me, then they are for sure DEPLORABLES, low lifes, ill educated, fox tv loving morons. There is a post about China. Why don't you address that issue in a grown up manner and say something worth considering?
I will now. China will rule the Far East area and be an enemy/friend as was Russia in the Cold War...we will deal with them economically but have each our own spheres of influence...if that fails, we will have war. But war when? We confront serious issues from climate change in some 30-40 years, and this will impact both China and the US, as well of course as other nations. Such an impact will make it unlikely that a major war would benefit either nation. But that is a rational conclusion, and wars often are fought for irrational reasons

Hans Persson said...

fred, I'm amazed by your thought process: you want anon's to stop insulting you, then you insult 150+ million americans? What?


Matthew Putnam said...


What about the people who aren't anons who insults to you? Why don't you "address that issues in a grown up manner and say something worth considering" when people do try have debates with? Your are always hurling childish insults at others and then attacking people who do the same and running away when people try to help you discover how much of a hypocritical belcher of cunt froth you are? Haha your such a lovely piece of shit, keep doing your thing :D