Tuesday, November 27, 2018

China Wants Seven Carrier Fleets By Mid-2020s

China's homemade carrier, known as Type 001A, at the Dalian Shipyard after it returned from its second sea trial. Photo: Weibo via VCG

Asia Times: China may boost carrier fleet to seven by mid-2020s: expert

Three to four big carriers plus amphibious assault ships as mini carriers may enable Beijing to challenge US primacy

The Liaoning is the People’s Liberation Army’s sole operational aircraft carrier at present, but Beijing plans to add three more carriers to the PLA naval fleet by 2025 and may also deploy three amphibious assault ships capable of carrying combat aircraft.

That is the observation by Abraham Ait, a military analyst and founder of Military Watch Magazine, who noted in The Diplomat that following the 2012 launch of the Liaoning, three new carriers could already be in various stages of testing or construction.

China’s first homemade carrier is now undergoing sea trials after its maiden voyage in May. It was modeled after the somewhat antiquated Soviet-built Liaoning and is only referred to as Type 001A.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Chinese may not get their wish .... Trade tensions with the United States blow hole in budget for China’s newest aircraft carrier (SCMP).


RussInSoCal said...

The Chinese will soon learn that wanting 7 CV fleets is very different from actually fielding 7 CV fleets.

Anonymous said...

"One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including – just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty..."

So no carriers for you, China.

Anonymous said...

Last anon. I have lived in Asia and have been many times to China. And the air in the US is much cleaner. So do your democrat trolling if you must, but when will you wake up to the outrageous lies and behaviours on your side? "Civil discourse can return when we are back in power" -Hillary Clinton Oct 2018

Anonymous said...

So true last anon, perhaps we can meet for a cup of coffee in Flint, Michigan to discuss the natural wonders of America and then head over to West Virginia to marvel at all of the clean coal igniting the local economy into a new golden age.

Let's hear from all the coal miners living the American dream in WV. Vacation homes and juniors college fund all paid for.

Heck, after that let's jet on down to Florida to see how that algae bloom disappeared. Damning up the Okeechobee to make room for the all the snowbirds is so awesome. At least the Cuyahoga isn't on fire, but those Browns are playing great.

Libs owned. Floors raked. Cereal boxes now have voter ID.

Anonymous said...

"The bottom is all burned but they didn’t catch on fire because they sucked the water, they’re wet. You need forest management, and they don’t have it."

True and accurate statement, that's what my first and third wives said. I think I'll play bingo tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

"Number two, if you go back and if you look at articles, they talked about global freezing, they talked about at some point the planets could have freeze to death, then it’s going to die of heat exhaustion. There is movement in the atmosphere. There’s no question. As to whether or not it’s man-made and whether or not the effects that you’re talking about are there, I don’t see it — not nearly like it is. Do we want clean water? Absolutely.."

Global freezing and atmosphere movement. Makes you think. I had to break out my winter jacket today, It's damn cold out.

Anonymous said...

To that anon who thinks that Flint - is in any way comparable to what China does on a mass scale - you sir, are a retarded libtard. Like double. You have never been to China, I can tell by the way you write. But I have been many times to the US. So, please, think before you write, be honest about your experiences. You don't have them. You just gas on.

Anonymous said...

when you dumb hatefilled name calling shit as you do then we know you are a Deplorable in the full meaning of what that term has come to mean. Yes.I called you a name. That is all you understand. Try civil discourse if you can.I have never been to many places but can study up and know about them and i can be in a place and not really know much about it...have you been to California? no? then do not say a word about it since you do not know California. Utah? DC? Cuba? talk only about where you have been.