Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Japan Is Considering Upgrading Its Helicopter Carriers Into Aircraft Carriers

The helicopter carrier Izumo is seen at its Yokosuka base. Photo: REUTERS file

Japan Today: Japan considers transforming helicopter destroyer into aircraft carrier

Japan is considering upgrading its helicopter carriers to enable them to transport and launch fighter jets and include the decision in its new defense guidelines, a government source said Tuesday, indicating a departure from the country's strictly defense-oriented policy.

The government is looking to upgrade the Izumo, a flat-top destroyer that currently accommodates helicopters, as it sees having an aircraft carrier as indispensable in the face of China's maritime assertiveness.

Tokyo also wants to enhance its air defense capabilities in the Pacific Ocean where Japan has no bases.

The government plans to decide on the revised version of the National Defense Program Guidelines in December.

Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya appeared positive Tuesday about upgrading Izumo to serve as an aircraft carrier, telling a press conference, "It's desirable that it will be used for as many purposes as possible."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I guess this is why Japan is considering buying an additional 100 F-35s .... Japan to order 100 more F-35 fighters from US (Nikkei Asian Review).


Jwp said...

If they purchase f35 B if they are to be on ships

Anonymous said...

China is going to love this...

Anonymous said...

China to US: Do not sell military stuff to Japan, or else we really mad!! Also, do not ask for the trillions of dollars back we stole from you, or else we really mad! Also, do not question our motives of militarizing the South China sea, or we really mad! Also, do not ask for us to stick to WTO rules, or we really mad!

China, the 2,000+ year old empire that still acts like a toddler

Anonymous said...

News today is Japan buying many F-35B models and saying they will be stationed on their flattops. China countering today saying they want 7 carriers. You know where this is going. Japan is no slouch despite its demographic problems. Robotics, AI, drones can offset that human shortfall.

Anonymous said...

Also don't forget Japan has Godzillllllaaaaaaa!!!!

Anonymous said...

How will 7 crappy carriers stack up against 100 crappy f-35's??? Maybe China will be saved by it's 2 crappy "Vigorous Dragons"...

Anonymous said...

I don't think the f35 is as crappy as the critics have pained it to be. Or better said. .it was a bit pricey for the bang and its flaws. .but the flaws keep getting less and less and the orders worldwide are stacking up. Despite the bad press these puppies got for nearly a decade. They seem to be quite good indeed ..and 100 of those would be a pain to face for any nation.

Mike Feldhake said...

Pilots love the F35, this has been consistently reported.

Haruka said...

Japan needs this along with continually expanding its Self Defense Force.

China is just too much of an idiotic bully in the region to be left unchecked.