Saturday, November 3, 2018

Deng Xiaoping’s Son Urges Restraint In China's Foreign Policy

Deng Pufang, the eldest son of Deng Xiaoping. AFP

SCMP: Deng Xiaoping’s son urges China to ‘know its place’ and not be ‘overbearing’

* Deng Pufang says the economic and cultural changes introduced by his father 40 years ago are ‘irreversible’
* Comments in unpublished speech to disabled group offer counterweight to current assertive foreign policy

An influential son of Deng Xiaoping, the former Chinese leader who steered the country towards decades of economic growth, urged his government to “keep a sober mind” and “know its place”, delivering a counterpoint to Beijing’s increasingly ambitious foreign policy and military assertiveness.

“We must seek truth from fact, keep a sober mind and know our own place,” Deng Pufang, the eldest son of Deng Xiaoping, said in a recent speech that was not made public but was obtained by the South China Morning Post. “We should neither be overbearing or belittle ourselves.”

Later in the speech, Deng urged China to embrace a “cooperative and win-win international environment”.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping's thinking was always based on this principle .....

.... "hide your edge and nurture your strength", which means behaving humbly and never taking the lead in world affairs.

If Deng Xiaoping was alive today I am sure that he would be proud of China's domestic accomplishments, but horrified by its aggressive foreign policy. To him he never saw any long-term upside that could be gained by being a "bully" on the international stage .... a view that many in Asia now have on China. He would also be horrified by the cult of personality that Chinese President Xi is trying to develop for himself. Deng Xiaoping strongly believed that in order for the Chinese Communist Party to survive, its leadership must also be flexible and changing to the needs of its people. Chinese President Xi's decision to stay in the top job beyond his term limit has thrown that rule into the garbage can. As for Deng Pufang's remarks .... they are going to be ignored by China's elite.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't be surprised if they use the "corruption" method to silence him like so many other xi opponents. If he ends up in prison then xi's power in China is complete. If not, then dissenting voices-if only at the elite level-are still tolerated

Roger Smith said...

You've got that one, Anon.
The "corruption method" has been a big tool in China's toolbox over time.

Anonymous said...

If China is a great country it must take a lead in world affairs.

That is if it is economically and militarily powerful, it should and must lead.

Hopefully, it will not have mass poverty, corrupt government or look to take advantage of neighbors. If it is, then great or not it must be opposed.

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:08),

I think you're pretty much spot on. The same would generally apply to Russia as well.

With that said I don't really the United States being in any position to oppose either Russia or China. If it is to be up to the United States to oppose them, then the best hope would be that one or both of them would do something stupid while the US makes brilliant moves.

To this end, we have a president in Trump who is extremely shrewd. IF Republicans of like mind to him and whose policies are more in sync with his can gain position, within the next election cycle, the current restraints faced by POTUS could be removed or lessened putting our country in a position to really flourish.

Our trade arrangements with China need to be altered. They are not sustainable. One would have thought Chinese leaders would know this. The current agreements are so one-sided in their favor that they could have easily renegotiated them, locked in tgeir gains, still be extremely profitable, and solidify their position as one of the world's dominant powers.

By doubling down on that which is/was unsustainable they've placed all this at risk. This looks to me like poor policy on their part. As stated, the potential for stupidity on the part of our enemies seems to be our best bet right now.

Anonymous said...

Trump Wanted It. The Pentagon Said No. Here's Why
Defense officials wouldn't let troops enforce domestic law, officials say

Anonymous said...

Fred, you little parrot. When will you learn that he was merely asking if it's possible...then the media is leaked to and portrays him as demonic "HE ASKED OMFG" yes.. he asked.. because he is ok with asking, assuming that people on his team are not complete asses who always leak every conversation. It is normal to ask, if you do not know the legal details. Heck, I wouldn't know and I studied (business) law. There's so many special branches of law, you can be an expert in one, and don't know squat in another

Anonymous said...

"I think you're pretty much spot on."

My comment was not made to encourage your trolling. We know you pro-Russia all the time.

Seeing as how Bob Huntley made a complete butt of himself and started making physical threats, I would say it is going to get very interesting.

My prediction is that some readers will refrain from posting in the near future. I cannot imagine a 70 year old man making such threats. Bob must have lied and be actually much younger.

Anonymous said...

Fred studied(?) English.

That is pretty much it.

B.Poster said...

Trolling?? Try reading the comments before posting. Nothing about my comment here can be construed as pro-Russian.

I think we are pretty much in agreement that China and probably Russia should be opposed. The question becomes how to do it in such a way that represent America's security and economic interests in the best way possible.

I seem to have Mr. Huntley's comment. I wouldn't think such things would discourage anyone from commenting. While the rhetoric can become heated at times, threatening anyone can never be tolerated

fred said...

Fred deals with facts and has no need to insult, endlessly, like little girlie in a schoolyard, who believes childish snark equals cleverness but instead reveals a very insecure person, with an overload of status anxiety

fred said...

China is committing ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang – it's time for the world to stand up

B.Poster said...

Well said!! It appears we finally a POTUS who gets it.

Anonymous said...

How This Generation of Right-Wing Grifters Managed to Fuck It Up So Bad

Young Republicans have 'over-grifted' — sabotaging their own long con in the most comically stupid way possible

Anonymous said...

You don't deal in facts Fred.

All you can do is complain that Obama is old news.

You also are stymied by math. Not sure how you feel you can talk about climate change, science, economics and other topics while being so ignorant, yet you continue top bluster.

Fred as fire marshal would triple allowable occupancies for night clubs.

Fred as sea captain would double capacity of life boats with a wave of his wand.

Fred as president would take anyone into America, who showed up including Ali Kourani, because bless his heart, Fred is a swell guy. In Fred world, immigrants do not need skills.

Anonymous said...

"China is committing ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang – it's time for the world to stand up"

- Fred

Funny that, Fred was afraid to go tro Korea. He much rather kow tow to Iran, but some how he mustered his courage enough to want to confront China which has many more nukes than Iran.

I do not buy it. Fred is merely posting this for domestic consumption. He hopes that the Chinese do not read it.

Anonymous said...

"He was to apply for U.S. citizenship so he could get a cherished U.S. passport, videotape an armory and FBI office, and gather names of local Jewish businessmen or high-ranking Israeli Defense Forces veterans worth killing."

What is Hezbollah's point? If they get them here, they do not have to fight them in an around the Litani River. Also here they are easier to get due to suck ass liberal laws.

If you read the article, you will learn that these Jew Hating terrorists did in fact come across the southern border illegally. Just because some come across the border legally does not mean others do not others, a significant number do not come across the border illegally. So what do simpletons do? Vote Democrat, cuz ya know they will take care of that border! NOT!

Naming a unit 910 could be a ploy. or there could be 900 units spread through out the world. How many in the U.S.?

We had president kow-tow making nice with Iran, the people who hold Hezbollah's leash.

Earth to simpletons. Those chants of "Earth to Israel", they mean it. I do not expect Dims to understand. They are Dims after all.

What I expect is that if Ali Khourani or his brothers ran for office and there was a ((D) behind the name, a Dim would pull the lever and vote for them.

Anonymous said...

I'd concentrate more on building safer structures!

fred said...

Fred afraid to go to Korea? Fred got down the side of troop ship and into landing craft while Pusan perimeter under were jiz is some cesspool waiting to bring your insect life into being. Fuck you.

Anonymous said...


You posted about how scared he was. Without sergeants ordering you about would you have gone? Oh and Fred if you were in the port of Pusan, you did not hear the bullets from miles and miles away.

From what I can tell of how scared you are of Iran, you are likely to bug out the 1st sign of trouble. Heck with that, you walk around with a white hanky in your back pocket and you can throw that thing into the air faster than a football ref can throw a yellow penalty flag.

You strike me as the type of person that would hand over the Skoda works to Hitler in 1938 and Saudi Arabia to Iran in 2018.

Anonymous said...

"How This Generation of Right-Wing Grifters Managed to Fuck It Up So Bad" - Phred

"Woman Who Accused Brett Kavanaugh of Rape Admits to Judiciary Committee She Lied"

Maybe the 20 year old you want to judge the whole Republican party by is just taking his cures from 40+m Democrat senators and a 70 year old lady who lied through their teeth during prime time on TV.

20 Y/O is just aping his 'betters" like liar Feinstein.