Wednesday, November 21, 2018

How Much Will The U.S. Space Force Cost? (Three Options)

Todd Harrison, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Credit: CSIS

Space News: How much does a Space Force cost? Analyst lays out menu of options

CSIS analyst Todd Harrison estimated the cost of three options — a Space Corps, a Space Force Lite and a Space Force Heavy.

WASHINGTON — The takeaway from new cost estimates for establishing a new military service for space is that there is no cheap way to build a Space Force.

Todd Harrison, director of defense budget analysis and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, unveiled a highly anticipated report on Monday, detailing cost estimates for standing up a Space Force as a separate military branch. Harrison made headlines in September when he criticized Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson’s estimate — $13 billion over five years to establish a new service and a space command — as overinflated.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:The Pentagon will want "Space Force Heavy". Congress will want "Space Force Lite". My bet is that when all is done and finished, it will be something in between.


Anonymous said...


Bob Huntley said...

Hmmm space force versus an underground force. The Viet Cong defeated America using an under ground force.

Anonymous said...

The Viet Cong had no battalion sized or larger forces after the failed Tet offensive.

The North Vietnamese were thrown back in 1972 by South Vietnamese troops.

The US Congress cut aid to South Vietnam. The Russians and Chinese did not cut aid to North Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese had secure rear areas in North Vietnam like the Taliban have in Pakistan. You do not win against people if they have secure staging areas. Liberals give people secure staging areas. It is their MO.

Bob Huntley have you figured out yet if you are separated and can't marry your girl friend living on public assistance or if you are divorced and getting alimony?

Come on dude this is a multiple choice test with only one question that only has 2 choices.

Even you, as slow and dull witted as you are, should be able to ace such a test.

Bob Huntley said...


"You do not win against people if they have secure staging areas." Bingo, except that the US had a secure staging area in South Vietnam but still lost. Try telling that to Mad Dog or some other loser in the Pentagon. The US is building for world domination but in the meantime are mired in the Mid East in a senseless and criminal fight of their own making.

You have a modicum but somewhat finite level of understanding but at a sub basic level.

I am beginning to think that I must be a bit "dull witted" given my propensity to engage with you in senseless discussion that goes nowhere and never will.

For the record I am not married, separated or divorced nor am I Swedish.

Anonymous said...

"For the record I am not married, separated or divorced"

You have said otherwise on different posts.

You marital status will always be fluid unlike your undying America hatred.

Anonymous said...

If the enemy can attack you in your 'secure' area, but you cannot attack them in theirs, then your secure area is not by definitions secure.

Bob put down the crack pipe.

Bob Huntley said...

Once again you fail to understand what happened in that pseudo "war" that started with a lie.

See if you can understand this:

Bob Huntley said...

Immaterial to the discussion.

Anonymous said...


Your constant lying, Anti-Americanism, and just being plain wrong is not immaterial to the discussion people have with you here.

Bob Huntley said...

What I post is material to you you dickhead or you wouldn't respond to the stuff I post to get you to respond.

Anonymous said...


If you are posting just to get a rise out of people, it means you are a failure in life and there is a capital L on your forehead. Look in the mirror xer.

Bob Huntley said...

Gotcha again mouse. You know mouse traps only work because the mouse thinks the cheese is free.

Do you have any idea what the speed limit is on Route 69?

Anonymous said...

Usually with DisQus screaming libs like yourself are blocked.

I block all of them except 1. He is on his 5 iteration and has calmed down, so I have not blocked him. He is still liberal to the max, but he stopped the name calling.

Blogspot has no such block, so we have your constant anti-Americanism based you BS reasoning. We also have your lies.

I would not doubt you are using some one else's name as cover.

You have me as much as I have you. When you reply, you cannot be up to anything else like going somewhere else and stinking the place up.

If you are hacking, well I can fnd a very good hacker if I wanted.