Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I Will Be Seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton In Montreal Tonight

Daily Mail: The Bill and Hillary show! Power couple kick off 13-city paid speaking tour in CANADA where bank executive lobbed questions at them in half-empty arena, as they accuse Trump of being part of a Saudi 'cover-up'

* Bill and Hillary Clinton are beginning a paid speaking tour
* Their first 'Evening with the Clintons' event is at the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto
* Interviewed by Canadian politician and diplomat Frank McKenna, the Deputy Chair TD Bank Group
* Bill Clinton said the U.S. had 'compromised' its moral leadership in the world under Trump
* Hillary Clinton had a short coughing spell about an hour into the talk
* Live Nation bills as 'one-of-a-kind conversation'
* The tour began on a day with major developments in the Russia probe on the heels of auto plant closings announced in the U.S. and Canada
* There were empty seats both in upper level seats and on the ground floor, where tickets were pricier
* One ticket was going for $6.55 in the final minutes before the event
* Hillary: 'We have a president and those closest to him who have their own personal commercial interests' in Saudi Arabia

Bill and Hillary Clinton launched their 13-city paid speaking tour in a Canadian hockey arena Tuesday evening, where there were banks of empty seats and the power couple accused President Trump of joining a Saudi 'cover-up.'

The Clintons riffed on issues ranging form the U.S. elections to the Iran deal, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the murder of Saudi dissident Khashoggi, and got a warm reception from the crowd as they jabbed at the Trump administration from north of the border.

'What makes this so troubling is how much commercial interest both the president's family and business and his son in law's family and business have with the kingdom,' said Hillary Clinton in one of a series of shots at President Trump, who defeated her in 2016.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A friend got me a ticket to see them tonight in Montreal. The cost of my ticket is $438 .... which makes me wonder about my friend on why would he spends this type of money (he loves the Clintons). So expect a report when I get home late tonight.


Mike Feldhake said...

Ugh, not even free tickets would interest me to go to the event. However, I'll give you a pass since your in the Media and this is a function of your career. :)

Anonymous said...

but you would go to listen the Trump?

Mike Feldhake said...

Yes I would! MAGA

War News Updates Editor said...

If a world leader .... former or present .... comes to Montreal. Yes, I will make a point of going to see them. The last former President that I saw was President Obama last year. I saw President Clinton give a speech about 15 years ago. I will definitely go see President Trump if the opportunity presents itself.

Anonymous said...

"...If that was raked in the beginning, there’d be nothing to catch on fire. It’s very interesting to see. A lot of the trees, they took tremendous burn at the bottom, but they didn’t catch on fire. The bottom is all burned but they didn’t catch on fire because they sucked the water, they’re wet. You need forest management, and they don’t have it."

I would go see the guy who said this. Much to ponder.

Hans Persson said...

WNU, is there going to be a Q&A at the end? If so, have you planned to ask anything and what are you going to ask?

War News Updates Editor said...

Policy differences aside, what I always find fascinating about meeting/seeing a world leader is how they talk, how they interact with the audience, their humor, their body language, to see them unscripted and spontaneous with the audience. With this as my benchmark, former President Clinton and current Russian Prime Minister Medvedev are tops on my list. I may disagree with them, but they are smart, funny, and they know how to articulate their point of view clearly. Biggest disappointment was seeing former President Obama last year. He may have had an off night, but I was underwhelmed. Another disappointment is current Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.

War News Updates Editor said...

These Q&As are always scripted. I am 99% sure that they will not accept questions from the audience that have not been screened. But .... if I do get a chance .... I will ask former President Clinton if he is still open to doing business with Russia, or has the current Washington political climate and sanctions put Russia on his black list. Follow-up question .... will the rise of China continue, even with the growing backlash against the country within Asia and elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even go if people were to pay me to go listen to them. Such a snooze fest, mixed with self entitlement and hatred /disdain for people who would dare not to vote for her. .God please don't go. If you can still bail, bail. You'll never get that time back and those two will keep doing this

Anonymous said...

Ask them why donations to their charity dropped about 30 million (or 55%) after she lost the presidency. Pay to play?

Such coincidence. Such corruption. Much wow

adam said...

WNU Editor. Looking forward to your review!

Anonymous said...

go. do not go. do not pay attention to any comments here. do what you want. it is your time and your money. remarks here are busybodies not taking care of their own lives

RussInSoCal said...

I’ll be very interested in the size of their audience.

Anonymous said...

I saw one article talking of lots of empty seats: true or fake news?