Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mexico Says That 3,000 Migrants Have Already Abandoned The Caravan

Honduran migrants storm a border checkpoint to cross into Mexico, in Tecun Uman, Guatemala, October 19, 2018. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

Washington Examiner: Mexico: Nearly 3,000 migrants have abandoned caravan, won't go on to US

Nearly 3,000 migrants who had been a part of caravans moving from Central America to the United States' southern border have abandoned the group to either stay in Mexico or return to their home countries in Central America, according to Mexican government officials.

Mexico's Interior and Foreign Ministries reported, as of Thursday, 2,934 people originally traveling to the U.S. have stopped and applied for asylum in Mexico.

Of those, 927 have canceled their asylum claim with the Mexican government and returned to Guatemala and Honduras, where the caravans originated, according to a government news release.

The two Mexican departments said federal police and immigration officers are helping transport those who chose to return home.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The transportation that was promised for these migrants has been pulled by the Mexican authorities, so I expect more will abandon their trek to the border and take-up the asylum offer from the Mexican government.

1 comment:

Mike Feldhake said...

That's good, according the the UN, your suppose to put in for Asylum in the first country you come to which would be Mexico. I image we told them to buckle up if they provided transport. Would love to hear those back channel conversations!