Friday, November 2, 2018

Migrants Traveling To The U.S. Border Sue The U.S. Government That Thei Constitutional Rights Are Being Violated

Migrants, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America en route to the United States, hitchhike on a truck along the highway to Arriaga from Pijijiapan, Mexico, October 26, 2018. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

NBC: Honduran migrants sue Trump administration over proposed border policies

The suit asks the court to declare Trump’s border policies unconstitutional.

Six Honduran migrants are suing President Donald Trump and parts of his administration over policies the president has enacted and said he is going to enact on the U.S. border with Mexico.

The class action lawsuit was filed in federal court Thursday on behalf of the migrants and their children, who are en route to the U.S. on foot as part of a larger caravan Trump has vowed to stop or detain at the border. The suit asks the court to declare Trump’s policies unconstitutional.

Trump says he plans to send up to 15,000 troops to the border, in addition to border patrol and ICE agents. About 100 active-duty soldiers arrived at the border in Texas on Thursday.

Read more ....

Update: Migrants traveling to US sue Trump, government; claim violation of constitutional rights (NBC)

WNU Editor: In a normal situation this will be thrown out. But we are not living in a normal situation, and this suit will need only one judge to sign-off on it..

Hat tip to Fred for this link.


Anonymous said...

ship of fools

fazman said...

What constitutional rights, how do you have those unless you are a u.s citizen?
This is the mentality that the previous administration created.

Matthew Putnam said...

The world is entitled to a share of US prosperity and wealth because of the US's past of colonialism. These idiots forget that the US has been the single greatest force for good in world history, being the first to eliminate slavery, raise the world poverty line 10 fold, stabilize world conflict, created the best conditions for a world economy to thrive etc. The US owes nothing to anyone. No one is entitled to everything the US has worked and sacrificed so much to earn. The last empire before the US/Western civilization (AKA white people) were the Ottomans for hundreds of years and this empire was a Muslim one that enslaved every people under its rule by mode of a tyrannical millet system, and forced white people by the tens of millions into its military/Jannisary corps. People like Fred, who use colonialism as a justification for the US/West bending over and helping everyone who it colonized hundreds of years ago, are historically ignorant, self hating, white guilted ethnomasochist leftists.

fred said...

I do not want to argue with you, but colonization is behind much of the current troubles and was due largely to the white man. And as for slavery, the U.S. was one of the last nations to end it.
I wish you could stop calling me names. I am for legal immigration. My son's girlfriend's parents could not flee Nazi Europe and get into the US but ended in Mexico, where they were taken in but later moved to Texas. We have legal immigration--my grandparents immigrated here legally--and we have illegals, here because farmers et al are looking for cheap labor. Our borders are guarded, and refugees are seeking legal entry. Now they can be admitted or denied entry, but they are not planning to storm across a nonborder.
Now if calling me names makes your day, by all means continue to do so. But I am a left of center, meaning I enjoyed the 5 day week rather than the longer one before FDR and I enjoy min wage and I enjoy unemployment pay etc.I like the system of govt we have, and I have served twice in our military to give to my country. Most of those in the caravan will not get as far as the border, and if they do, I am not sure what will happen to them. But American soldiers are not going to shoot at them, even if some unruly teen tosses a stone...
So I will ask you: stop calling me names. I have served my country; my son has served as a marine...another son served in IDF...ask then not what Fred has done for his country but what you are doing instead

Roger Smith said...

I see our open borders as a safety valve on a boiler; too much pressure and it lets go. If these governments from which these people have been fleeing for decades were more inclusive of their citizens' participation in their countries' economies I think the pressure to leave home would not be as strong.
Mexico is a rich country in terms of resources, both human and mineral. Why can't....pardon me...won't these governments clean up their act and be more responsible? Look at Maduro's behavior as a "leader" of the country with the largest oil reserves on this planet and other natural resources needed in a modern economy. How does he justify his behavior?
And why should we play refugee center and thus subsidize the incompetent and self serving elites in these countries by taking off some of the social pressure on these rulers to reform?

Matthew Putnam said...

Oh so its the calm, collected, reasonable Fred that I am talking to at this moment.

First: The US has done immeasurably more than any other country in history to make due for the effects on its earlier colonization model. We owe no one nothing more at this point. Colonization and subjugation took place with every empire in history. No exceptions. The difference is that the West created institutions to help prevent it and still actively prevents it. We owe nothing to anyone.

Second: There are hundreds of countries in the world, many of which still actively engage in slavery. We were by no means "one of the last nations to end it". That was a completely stupid thing to say. Really ignorant.

Third: You are constantly calling others names and attacking others when your off your calm, reasonable Freddy meds. "phucking Moron" "Child" etc. This is one of the many ways you are a total hypocrite and a joke of a troll. I single you out mainly for this.

Fourth: I don't care about your individual family history when it comes to immigration because it is anecdotal and in a different context in time. The fact is right now unfettered illegal immigration has more of a negative impact than it ever has before and needs to be systemically addressed. The border is not well protected, that was really stupid to say as well. Also, The fact you think that all refugees seek legal entry is again, really stupid. These "refugees", particular to the context of the caravan, are not at all refugees and mostly consist of people seeking better economic opportunity and this has historically always been the case as well. I don't blame them for this at all. The US is unequivocally the best country in the world.

Fifth: Calling you names doesn't really make my day. I single you out because your a special man; a rabid troll that annoys me, but also entertains me.

Sixth: I served my country in the Navy for a few years as well, and I continue to serve as a subject matter specialist and intelligence analyst. It is disgusting that you use your service to justify your behavior and does not give you any credibility.

Seventh: I will stop calling you names and calling you out when you clean yourself up. You are not entitled to a safe space here.

- - - End.

Anonymous said...

Talking to Lapides is like talking to the wind. In his own words he can't remember what he said a few hours before, but has a childish certainty in his beliefs. He tries to live on his prior service and is a name dropper of epic proportions (see him talk about his best bud "Matt" Mathew Ridgeway). In the end he is a sniveling wretch no more no less.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the time that the U.S. colonized Guatemala?

I don't either.

Or the time re colonized Peru?

I don't remember that one either.

fred said...

The blunt criticism of the mission to block what Trump contends is a threatening caravan of migrants encouraged by Democrats reflects the strain that his unusual presidency has put on one of America’s most important norms: the tradition of an apolitical military.

Other presidents have deployed forces to the border. But the timing of this deployment and the questionable need for it, with the caravan at least a month away from the border with Mexico and diminishing in size, have led many former military officers to deliver their harshest criticisms yet of Trump.

[I have no need to answer childish comments]

Anonymous said...

There is cooperation between criminal organizations and terrorists.

One can do a Google search of terrorism and organized crime, but we know certain non-thinking, disinterested and venal parties will not conduct such a search.

Instead they will diligently and persistently think with their small head and Google search free porn... and vote Democrat

Isn't that beautiful?

Anonymous said...

The U.S. has 3 large drug cartels on their border.

Ipso facto we have a terrorism problem on our southern border.

Rat bastard Democrats do not want to fix it.

Anonymous said...

Woodrow Wilson (D) put troops on the border.

Not only that they cross the border and shot things up.

Anonymous said...

I would not expect a Leftist English major to know about Adrianople.

Come on now that would entail reading, memorization, and logic.

Those are all hard things for a Leftist to do.

Anonymous said...

Democrats love their MS-13 gang members.

After all Democrat leaders pay gangs to roust people and get out the vote.

Don't you love it when one gang helps out another gang?

DNC and MS13 partners in crime!

Anonymous said...


"[I have no need to answer childish comments]"
Of course you don't, especially when it comes to your own statements.

Bob Huntley said...

It must be hellish to live in a derelict country and try to justify all the heinous actions committed against the people of the world when in fact there is no justification possible.

Anonymous said...

”I retired from banking after 32 years. “ - Bob Huntley

October 21, 2015 at 1:11 PM

“By the way I spent my life working as a machinist in an elevator factory. Imagine this if you can…” - Bob Huntley

September 23, 2018 at 12:43 PM


Тебя надо казнить, больной ублюдок." -BH

October 27, 2018 at 8:06 PM

Translation of what Bob Huntley posted: “You must be executed, sick bastard.”

Bob Huntley said...


Gotcha turkey.

Anonymous said...


You are the one that made the threat.

I am letting everyone know that you made the threat.

I have time to watch you being arraigned.

No run along and catch a movie before the police show up to arrest you ahead of trail.

Anonymous said...

You are not going to weasel your way out.

Bob Huntley said...


Are you going to sign your complaint "Anonymous"? If so the cops will tell you to foof off. If you sign your real name you run the risk of getting picked up on previous outstanding warrants and I'll just tell the cops my post was for the other Anon.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob,

I have a clean record. This I know.

You can pretend otherwise.

Bob Huntley said...


Perhaps you have no record and/or no outstanding warrants, except, maybe, possibly, for that one little thing a few years back. Very minor as things go but outstanding nevertheless.

I've been a retired now for 12 years and I'm telling you to foof off, so foof off you dirty snotgoblinscrotumscratcher.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Poor Bob slinging insults.

Poor thang would have a parking ticket except it can't afford a car.