Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Report: Iran Had Secret Plans to Build Five Nuclear Warheads

Washington Free Beacon: Iran Had Secret Plans to Build Five Nuclear Warheads

New report stirring Iran hawks on Capitol Hill, Trump administration.

A new bombshell report based on a secret trove of seized Iranian nuclear documents shows the Islamic Republic had concrete plans to manufacture and build at least five nuclear weapons and that it was much further along in this scheme than previously known by the international community.

Iran's contested nuclear weapons program was much further along than the international community thought, according to a report based on scores of secret Iranian plans seized by Israel and publicly disclosed for the first time earlier this year.

Information obtained in this raid on Iran's secretive nuclear files has revealed that Tehran was well along the path to building several nuclear weapons by around 2003, including the complex infrastructure needed to produce such weapons, according to a new report from the Institute for Science and International Society, a nuclear watchdog group that has exposed in the past the extent of Iran's nuclear works.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The report is here .... The Plan: Iran’s Nuclear Archive Shows it Planned to Build Five Nuclear Weapons by mid-2003 (Institute for Science and International Society).


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Oh boy, the Beacon neocon rag sheet is always good for a laugh.

Yes, 5 warheads, not 6, not 4 but 5. The scientifically determined number that's ideal for deterrence! The Free Beacon cracks the case again. How do these clowns stay in business?

RussInSoCal said...

The severity and scope of the increasingly probable war between US/IDF/SA vs Iran and whatever coalition they put together will depend on one important thing: Deliverable Nukes. If Iran is allowed to produce them, they'll be invincible in their minds. Just like the Norks, but the mullahs are quite apocalyptic.

My prediction is that when the balloon finally goes up vs. Iran, the attack - whoever the participants - will originate from Saudi Arabia.



Anonymous said...

"My prediction is that when the balloon finally goes up vs. Iran, the attack...." is that Isreal will be standing in the background cheering and fighting to the last American soldier.

No wars for the settler-colonial apartheid state.

RussInSoCal said...

You sure like that one-liner. Your repeated reference to Israel as the "settler apartheid state" are starting to lesson the weight of your argument.

Why do you hate Jews?

RussInSoCal said...

I've always found that if you press the right buttons, you force the reveal of the root psyche behind asinine comments. Name calling and repetitiveness of a favorite meme usually give away the simple mindedness of a one-issue hater.

(we've seen it before)

And of course use "Anon" to hide and be vacant any ownership of your remarks.

Anonymous said...

You never addressed the one issue. That Israel is a settler-colonial apartheid state.

"Jews have a unique right to national self-determination there and puts Hebrew above Arabic as the official language." .....and says the right to exercise national self-determination there is "unique to the Jewish people".

Are all Israeli citizens equal before the law? Do they have a written constitution? Oh, but they hold elections, so they must have a representative form of government that is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

RussInSoCal said...

Well Anon, you sure got me with that very astute observation that Israel is indeed a settlercolonialapartheidstate.

oh wait, no you didn't.

The Jews were there first. Before the Romans, before the Christians and way before the Muslims. It's their territory and nation. There's no "Palestine" today or any other time in history. They make the laws as they see fit. And no, they are not obligated to allow sworn enemies into their country. Unless Israel follows Europe into national suicide they will survive.

They have a tall beautiful wall.

Americanadian soldier said...

True..... also would be an excellent distraction next year in the midst of endless investigations against trump and a plunging stock market.