Monday, November 19, 2018

Should Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, And Google Be Broken Into Smaller Companies?

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, USA Today: Donald Trump must bust Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google monopolies like Teddy Roosevelt.

President Donald Trump has an opportunity to follow in former President Teddy Roosevelt’s footsteps. Will Donald Trump follow TR’s lead?

I’ve just finished reading Columbia Law professor Tim Wu’s new book on antitrust, "The Curse of Bigness," and my biggest takeaway is that President Donald Trump has an opportunity to follow in former President Teddy Roosevelt’s footsteps.

Roosevelt built a strong reputation by going after the trusts, huge combinations that placed control of entire industries in the hands of one or a few men. He broke up John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, the Google of its day. He shut down J.P. Morgan’s Northern Securities Co., which would have monopolized rail transportation in much of the United States. And he pursued numerous other cases (45 in all) that broke up monopolies and returned competition to markets.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The difference between now and the times of former President Teddy Roosevelt is that during Roosevelt's day there was broad public support to break-up the monopolies. Today .... aside from some conservatives, I see very little public support to break up these internet monopolies. This is unfortunate. Amazon has helped to destroy retail as we know it, and Google/Facebook/etc. have gone all out in limiting their platforms to conservatives and other groups that they disagree with. If there was ever a time when a monopoly should be busted into thousands of pieces it is now. My prediction. Nothing is going to happen. The corruption is very deep .... Schumer got $50K in donations from Facebook — and his daughter got a job (NYPost).


Anonymous said...

50k donation and he gives away democracy and free speech? wow.. what do I get for 100k?

Roger Smith said...

On my computer Google is behind the ads when I close those ads. 99% of them. What so irks me is the very noticeable drop in my computer's performance. A few sites are dial up speed or worse and there are increasing instances of freezing and that is attributable to the huge volume of ads being imposed on my viewing.

I would think this is some kind of FCC violation. Get some DJT!

Mike Feldhake said...

Does not matter how you feel; the law is the law and if the Government or Separate entity can make a case of a monopoly, they will be forced to break up. Too much legal precedence set here.

adam said...

I'd rather see some sort of regulation rather than break them up. The Chinese are not going to break up their tech companies and it's a global market now unlike in the past.

Americanadian soldier said...

I used to pay 20$ for a DVD and now I pay 10$ a month for Netflix..... and it’s awesome. Enough said.