Monday, November 19, 2018

WorldRiskReport: Children Suffer Most From Wars And Disasters

DW: WorldRiskReport: Children suffer most from war and disaster

The 2018 WorldRiskReport focuses on children. In wars, conflicts or natural disasters, they are often by far the people made most vulnerable. So what are the report's recommendations?

In April 2016, northwestern Ecuador was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. More than 660 people died, and 80,000 lost their homes and livelihoods. About 560 schools were partially or totally destroyed.

Children were particularly affected. Many lost their parents and were left at first to fend completely for themselves. Emergency help did eventually arrive, but it was some time before the children were being looked after properly. Nonetheless, by April of the following year, the aid organization Plan International had provided emergency relief to 36,900 children.

Read more ....

Update: World Risk Report 2018: Focus Child Protection and Children's Rights (ReliefWeb)

WNU Editor: I call this stating the obvious. The report is here ....

1 comment:

Americanadian soldier said...

A big reason for this is many children being outside playing and seem to be fearless of tanks bombs and firearms. Not to mention they love throwing rocks at soldiers. This was so in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I witnessed kids playing catch with old hand grenades found in the dirt. These kids aren’t very smart by any camparison around in the world and is the work of Darwinism as far as most reasonable people are concerned.