Saturday, November 17, 2018

Top U.S. Military General Admits That The Taliban 'Are Not Losing' In Afghanistan

Defense Secretary James Mattis, left, and Joint Chiefs Chairman and Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford at a press briefing on the campaign to defeat ISIS at the Pentagon, May 19, 2017. Thomson Reuters

CNN: Top US military officer says Taliban 'are not losing'

(CNN)The top US military officer said Saturday that the Taliban "are not losing" in Afghanistan, and much more needs to be done to bring peace to the war-torn country.

"They are not losing right now, I think that is fair to say," Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said of the Taliban during a discussion at a security forum in Halifax, Nova Scotia. "We used the term stalemate a year ago and, relatively speaking, it has not changed much."

Dunford said that while there would never be a "military solution" on its own to bring peace to Afghanistan, the United States and its Nato partners are working to leverage military, political and economic pressure to convince the Taliban it is in their interest to negotiate a political solution to the crisis with the government in Kabul.

"Without going into detail here, we do believe the Taliban know that at some point they do have to reconcile," he said. "The key to success is to combine all that pressure to incentivize the Taliban" to negotiate.

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WNU Editor: Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is 100% right.


Jac said...

How two different cultures can have the same understanding of the problem? We have to swallow the pill and leave this country.

Anonymous said...

The Taliban had 8 years to regroup, rest and retrain under Obama.

You are only seeing these stories now with trump, because there is no Democrat president. So the press will print the truth about somethings. Things they ignore under a Democrat president like homelessness.

Anonymous said...

The US cannot win if the backstabbing Pakistanis are on the Taliban's side.

The Pakistanis did not like the USSR as a neighbor in 1979. See if they like Russia and a China as a neighbor now.

Pull out, regroup, retrain and prepare for general war with China.

Anonymous said...

Trump has been in charge for TWO years (2) and so time to recognize who bears the rap. If you want to credit Trump with the economy then credit him with our major losses too

Mike Feldhake said...

Nothing has changed in two years; it was a loss then and still is.

Anonymous said...

1) 20% of the problems get 80% of the time.

Like the Mueller conspiracy.

Does not leave a lot of time for more needful things.

2) Trump would like to get out. Politics is not letting him. At least he is not lying about it like Obama did for years.

To egress all the American equipment would have to be flown out. The Troops would leave via the stans.

It would be safer than running a gauntlet set up by the Taliban and Pakistan

The Taliban would step up attacks as we Left trying for a massacre of at least 1 column. This would not play well except with the Democrats.

- The Dems would want us to understand and commiserate with the Taliban and wife beaters.
- The Dems would say the pullout was over due, badly handled and in no way should we get revenge for the massacre.
- etc, etc, etc ad naseum.

Maybe Nancy Pelousy and the Dims can pull the plug on aid like they di with SDouyth Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Nato ends combat operations in Afghanistan

The Guardian circa 2014.

"Yah know what, We won in Afghanistan, hyuk, hyuk." Obama

Bob Huntley said...

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." - John F. Kennedy

The idea of preserving one's homeland often survives when the idea of stealing a people's homeland often fails. Stealing Afghanistan from the Afghans is turning out to be a bit harder than stealing America from the Indians ever was. Give it time, and blood and of course treasure, it may come about.

The ultimate strategy of course is to populate and outbreed the residents.

Anonymous said...

"The idea of ..." Bob Huntley is no stretch as all

-Sadam invaded Kuwait.
-He signed an armistice.
-He broke the armistice.
-Iraq was invaded.
-Bob and other accused the U.s, of stealing Iraqi oil.
-In reality the oil was sold off at auction, which the Chinese won and the Iraqi people pocketed the proceeds.

Bob lied about the Iraqi oil, so he will try to lie about the Afghan mineral wealth.

But reality never gets in the way of Bob's lies.

Bob will lie about anything. He truly is shameless and a cad.

Maybe he is not a cad. Maybe he is just a foreign agent lying on the internet.


”I retired from banking after 32 years. “ - Bob Huntley

October 21, 2015 at 1:11 PM

“By the way I spent my life working as a machinist in an elevator factory. Imagine this if you can…” - Bob Huntley

September 23, 2018 at 12:43 PM