Sunday, November 18, 2018

U.K. Army Makes Plans To Deploy Troops To Respond To Any Unrest If The U.K. Leaves The EU With No Deal

© AFP / Daniel Leal-Olivas

Daily Mail: British Armed Forces are on standby for 'every scenario' in the event of a no-deal Brexit, defence minister reveals

* Tobias Ellwood revealed contingency plan made in case EU negotiation collapse
* Comments came after head of army said military 'thinking hard' about no deal
* They are looking at 'full spectrum of requirements' to ensure they are prepared

The military is on standby to help in the event of a 'no-deal' Brexit, it emerged last night.

Defence minister Tobias Ellwood revealed contingency plans are being made in case Government negotiations with the European Union collapse.

His comments came after the head of the British Army, chief of the defence staff General Sir Nick Carter, told yesterday's Andrew Marr Show that the military was 'thinking hard' about what no deal might involve.

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More News On The U.K. Army Making Plans To Deploy Troops To Respond To Any Unrest If The U.K. Leaves The EU With No Deal

Britain's armed forces making contingency plans for 'no deal' Brexit: defense officials -- Reuters
Operation ‘No Deal’ — army plans for troops on street -- The Times
Military could be used in the event of a 'no-deal' Brexit, says minister -- SKY News
British Army ‘ready to help’ in case of no-deal Brexit – general -- RT


Jac said...

Mess is reaching more countries in the world just one after an other one. The future looks darker and darker.

Anonymous said...

Well it's full on nationalism world wide now.. EU is in need of reform for nearly 10 years now, Greece/Brexit, Brussels bureaucracy, etc.
Nato is basically just a hollow machinery amped up by the US

It's really more an identity crisis of the West, instigated by own failures and always overestimating (hyping up) other countries, as CNN constantly did for almost a decade in the case of Russia and China over last 5-10. So we have internally dividers like CNN and externally alliances like Nato weaken because of funding disputes, mission disputes, and EU weakness (which is a large bulk of Nato).

Anonymous said...

let's also blame our parking problems on CNN...they control everything in domestic and foreign policy

Anonymous said...

The Democrat party is a wing of the MSM.

You were being a smart ass, but you inadvertently blundered into the truth.

Anonymous said...

If you dont think the lies and divisiveness on cnn are a problem,you're a cnn watcher. There's a reason why they rank lowest of all news networks. But hey, keep on watching..Jim Acosta needs money too for whatever it is he does