Thursday, November 1, 2018

U.S. To Deploy 15,000 Troops On The U.S. - Mexico Border (Update)

Reuters: Trump hardens stance on Mexico border, says 15,000 troops could be sent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday the United States could send as many as 15,000 troops to the border with Mexico, as he hardens his stance against a caravan of migrants fleeing violence and poverty in Central America.

The numbers cited by Trump are significantly higher than defense officials have disclosed. The Pentagon said on Monday it was deploying more than 5,200 troops to the border but that the number would rise. On Wednesday, it said more than 7,000 troops would support the Department of Homeland Security along the border.

Several groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, have accused Trump of politicizing the military ahead of next week’s congressional elections with his plans to use active military personnel to buttress border patrol efforts.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: After what happened on the Guatemala-Mexico border 2 days ago, if these caravans reach the U.S. - Mexico border it is prudent to expect the worse .... Migrants clash with police at Guatemala-Mexico border (Reuters).

More News On The U.S. Deploying 15,000 Troops To The U.S. - Mexico Border

President Trump Says U.S. Troops at Mexico Border Could Reach 15,000, Surprising the Pentagon -- Time/AP
President Trump: Border force could grow to 15,000 troops -- Military Times
Donald Trump says US-Mexican border troops could hit 15,000, surprising Pentagon -- ABC News Online
Both Sides Overselling Trump's Troop Deployment to Border -- Lara Seligman, FP
Deployed border troops are preparing for militias stealing their gear, protester violence, documents show -- Military Times
Trump wants up to 15,000 troops at border to deal with migrant caravan. Political stunt or national emergency? -- Alan Gomez,Bart Jansen and David Jackson, USA TODAY


Anonymous said...

See, the thing is the election is next week, the SCARY CARAVAN won't get here for another month, and we need those troopz to go train, fight, die and lose in our eventual war with China.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you keep on talking, meanwhile - if you got the balls to watch it, be prepared to wake up -- Guardian News (a left-leaning British outlet, btw) reports on it:

"About 3,000 central American migrants have streamed over the international bridge from Guatemala into Mexico after breaking through metal gates at the border fence. Locals cheered and handed out bottles of water, while Guatemalan police officers stood to the side of the road and watched the migrants pass"

Anonymous said...

Great. They are 900 miles from El Paso.



Anonymous said...

The problem is everyone is watching this and hopes to get through until the loopholes are closed (in both, Mexico and the US) -- prepare for thousands more to come in the next weeks. This won't stay at 3,000 -- TVs exist also in the poorest regions of South America. They are watching this - it's the biggest news this year over there, they are coming if you let them. They have either $2-$5 a day, or can make $7-$25 per hour tax free in the US (and that's for the quasi legal work.. good gardening workers can earn $25 in the right places - I know people who hire them for that, it's comparable to what a McDonald worker, or even plant worker makes -- most of them work 10 hrs a day, means $200-$250 a day if they are lucky.. about $7500 / month tax free for the lucky ones, about $2100 for the unlucky ones, like in hotels sometimes they pay $7/hr. that would be around $70/day or $2100/month w/o tax.. ) So I hope you understand the true incentive. They go from almost nothing - enough to have a shed and TV, to driving a pickup truck, and enough money to buy a house with swimming pool and 2 garages in their own country, until they are caught and sent back. That's comparable to you going from middle class income, say $80,000 a year to about $10,000,000/year -- that's right. You read correctly. It's like you having the chance to earn 10million - and I am not talking super ball odds. Their odds to earn comparatively this are higher than your odds ever will be, even if you study at Harvard. Average Harvard salary 10 years(!!) post-graduation is around $87,200. You read that right. All for a walk up north. With people giving you food and shelter on the way. And now even a herd for protection from the traffickers. This has all the ingredients to end badly if Trump does not enforce the border.

Anonymous said...

A small correction: The approx. $88k you earn with a Harvard degree is for the Bachelor. If you get into their business school it's about $200k/year. But still - to them it's comparatively 50x (50 TIMES!) more than you having an MBA from Harvard. For a walk up north. With people cheering for you and motivating you to come to the border. Do you see what you are doing? These guys would have to be crazy not to come, now that it's safe to come (food, security, shelter) and even the moral justification (we are not breaking borders, you are just biggots and racists and the other guys get it, and we will come) :)

Anonymous said...

By the way, as always, one side makes the economic argument and presents facts - the other side (Fred, the little parrot) repeats narratives and suggests racists, or sexist(?)/sex-motivated(?) motivations. It's just absurd to talk at that level.

Anonymous said...

It's a matter of stopping global warming, zero immigration now!

fred said...

Phuck thee anon...Phred

Philoctes said...

What global warming? We go through cycles century after century...warming is a myth

Roger Smith said...

Fred, ya got'em this time! Good one. And only four words[?]. Best laugh I'll have today.


Anonymous said...

You blew your cover...when the troll gets trolled.

Anonymous said...

"Phuck thee anon...Phred" - Philoctes

"Fred, ya got'em this time! Good one. And only four words[?]. Best laugh I'll have today."


Wow, Fred the English major uses a little but of alliteration spelled a different yet common way and Rog is all impressed.

Phreddie thinks he is sooo kute sneeking a cuss word past the blogger by using an alternative spelling for the 'f' sound. Sooo pleased as peeches that no cutting or pasting is needed for the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

Climate change was bad for Neanderthal children in the Pleistocene! And so was the lead-poisoning!