Sunday, November 18, 2018

War Of Words Heat Up Between President Trump And Retired Adm. William McRaven

CNN: Trump dismisses architect of bin Laden raid as a 'Hillary Clinton backer'

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump dismissed retired Adm. William McRaven, the overseer of the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, as a "Hillary Clinton backer" and criticized the military for having not killed bin Laden sooner during a Fox News interview that aired on Sunday.

In the interview, Trump engaged in a tense exchange with Fox News' Chris Wallace when the host brought up McRaven, a vocal Trump critic who led the operation in 2011 during former President Barack Obama's administration.

"Bill McRaven, retired admiral, Navy Seal, 37 years, former head of US Special Operations..." Wallace started.

"Hillary Clinton fan," Trump said, cutting off Wallace.

"Special Operations ..." Wallace continued.

"Excuse me, Hillary Clinton fan," Trump said.

"Who led the operations," Wallace added, "commanded the operations that took down Saddam Hussein and that killed Osama bin Laden, says that your sentiment is the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime," a reference to McRaven's criticisms of Trump's attacks on the media.

"OK, he's a Hilary Clinton backer and an Obama-backer, and frankly ... wouldn't it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that? Wouldn't it have been nice? You know, living -- think of this -- living in Pakistan, beautifully in Pakistan."

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump dismisses criticism from Navy SEAL who led Osama bin Laden mission (The Hill)
Update #2: Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL critical of him, suggesting he should've caught bin Laden sooner (NBC)

WNU Editor: Retired Adm. William McRaven has doubled down on his criticisms of President Trump .... Retired admiral who oversaw bin Laden raid doubles down on Trump criticism (The Hill). As to what is my take. Retired Adm. William McRaven was on Hillary Clinton's potential list of Vice Presidential running mates in 2016, even though he had previously declined in 2014 .... Rumors Are Spreading That Now Retired Special Operations Admiral Bill McRaven May Be Hillary Clinton's Running Mate in 2016 (August 29, 2014). But he is eyeing 2020 .... Navy SEAL Who Led The Bin Laden Raid Is Being Eyed As A Political Contender For 2020 (August 26, 2018).


Carl said...

McRaven started it when he defended John Brennan's "right" to have a security clearance. Given the rank and status that he attained, he should've known better than that, but by defending Brennan, he made himself political. As far the killing of bin Laden, it was a political stunt to aid Obama's 2012 re-election. It certainly hasn't reduced the threat of terrorism.

Anonymous said...

McRaven owned.

Forest floors owned.

Cereal boxes owned.

Citizen voting rights owned.

Rodger Ramster said...

President Trump is not criticizing all the media--just the leftist media which participated in the attempted coop against him by spreading lies and misrepresentations Trumps so called collusion with Russia. This was a conspiracy by the leftist media, the deep state in FBI, states, etc, and the Democratic party. This retired admiral who rose under Obama now believes all the propaganda spread by the leftists. He will regret it when he loses his pension, as he deserves to lose it. Obama's military pets should retire and keep their mouths shut if they were intelligent. Maybe they will learn after their traitorous leader is arrested for treason and interned in Guantanamo Bay.

Anonymous said...

No one should lose their pension over this. Don't be crazy. Yes, the general overstepped a line but unless and until there's equal rules for Democrats we live in anarchy. Kamela Harris just compared ICE to the KKK. Until this outrage activism is ended we will have more of these people jumping on the outrage acting/virtue signaling bandwagon. Because nothing is easier than saying "I've heard that ICE is perceived as KKK" - that's her job,bread and butter for that day. She put make up on and that was her big statement. Virtue signaling at its finest. She makes more than 150k/year doing that and some people love her for that. And until she keeps getting the love (and the money! ) for that kind of behaviour while ICE members die in the street protecting us, this show and this kind of people will keep doing it. The general is harmless in comparison

Anonymous said...

Me President, please shut up. With all due respect.

Anonymous said...

Obama got OBL. Not Bush. Obama. And so Trump has to badmouth. Perhaps he can take a break in opening is phucking big mouth and visit our troops or even go out in the rain....getting OBL was a goal we had long sought. It took place under Obama. And now who wants to make things policial¿ If he had not got OBL, then you morons (Deplorables) would badmouth him for that

Anonymous said...

Another hero badmouthed by corporal heelspur...The Admiral is a great hero and once again, Trump can not stand those who are worthy, heroic, outstanding because his smallness is highlighted.
shame on coward Trump and those butt kissers who wallow in his daily insults and lies.

fred said...

A look at Trump’s ‘A-plus’ weekend: Finnish leaf-raking, ‘Pleasure,’ Calif., and Adam ‘Schitt’


Anonymous said...

Right and meanwhile Obamas are closing in on making their first billion. Not bad not bad. .I remember before he was president he barely qualified as millionaire. .still had student debt to pay off. ..lucrative presidency that was. .and the speeches. much money for books and speeches. ..but hey nothing to see here. Obama is awesome. Not corrupt at all