Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Russian Tale On How Putin's State Works

Red Square

Economist: The inner workings of Vladimir Putin’s state

A set of illicit recordings reveal the fall of Alexander Shestun

MOSCOW’S MAXIMUM security Lefortovo jail, where the KGB held its most important prisoners, has seen its share of revolutionaries, commissars, dissidents, ministers, oligarchs, governors and generals. Alexander Shestun is different.

Until his arrest in June, he was the head of the district of Serpukhov, an outlying city in the Moscow region. But he matters more than his job title suggests. His rise and fall give an insight into the mechanics of power in Russia and its lever—the Federal Security Service (FSB). Under President Vladimir Putin this has become even more dominant than the Soviet KGB he once served. Mr Shestun played a part in that transformation; he was also its casualty.

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WNU Editor: One thing that I have learned about the Russian state is that almost everyone who reaches the top will .... in the end .... lose most if not everything. And they lose everything because they never leave .... thereby becoming a target for those who are younger, smarter, and more hungry than they are. And for those who do survive and prosper, they do so because they understand the value of anonymity and the importance of timing their departure when they are on the top. This is why Russian President Putin will probably not run in the next Presidential election. There are too many below him in their fifties and forties who want him gone, and who want the same opportunities that he and his allies have been able to collect in the past two decades.


Anonymous said...

Hmm that seems to be the same everywhere.. we praise the youth for their willingness to change things - often not realizing that change involves that they will take your job hehe.. but that's just nature, and it will happen to them too :)

On Putin: He also doesn't look good anymore, he really aged over the last two years. But hey, on CNN they will tell us he's the most powerful, 5D chess player, who manipulates the world, dictates Trump what to do etc etc.. oh no, actually they don't say that anymore, did you notice that? :) After 2 years of 24/7 hatred against this president and calling him a nazi, a putin puppet, a traitor, SUDDENLY they seem to realise what even the dumbest among us have realised, that there was no collusion. Even the little parrot will see it after 2 years.. he will spend days deleting his old posts here, or change his online name, and then keep telling himself he was just a righteous little parrot, looking out for democracy. Right. That's how the racist Don Lemon also sleeps at night

Anonymous said...

So Russia is lead by a cabal of grifters that prey upon one another for a higher position in the hierarchy and 1/2 keep their country of birth whole provided they know how much they can fleece without hurting the former fellow citizens. But how competent are they at economics?
If they aren't, you get depression, low birth rates drug abuse ...