Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Experts: Potential Trump Impeachment Is A 'Huge Risk' For Markets In 2019

President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington, December 12, 2018. Jonathan Ernst, Reuters

CNBC: A potential Trump impeachment is a 'huge risk' for 2019, expert says

* Investors and businesses are bracing for 2019 risks such as interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve and an escalation in U.S.-China trade tensions.
* But the impeachment of Trump has rarely been discussed as a market factor, partly because it still isn't clear whether Democrats would opt to go down that route when they take control of the House in 2019.
* Whether or not the impeachment process gets underway, it's likely to feature highly in U.S. political discussions and cripple Washington's ability to get things done, said Steve Okun, senior advisor at McLarty Associates.

Investors and businesses may have overlooked one big risk that could come out of Washington next year: The possible impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Markets are bracing for a more difficult 2019, with risks such as interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve and an escalation in U.S.-China trade tensions at the top of many people's minds. But the possible impeachment of Trump has rarely been discussed, partly because it still isn't clear whether Democrats will go down that route when they take control of the House in 2019.

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WNU Editor: The rise of interest rates by the US Fed and the impeachment of President Trump will be the two main factors that will drive the stock market down. The current trade war with China is number three.


Alex said...

Pres. Trump / 1st lady visiting troops:

Americanadian soldier said...

My bet is Trump doesn’t make to end of his first term. Also....... the re-election of Trudeau. Not a very bright future indeed. Hope I’m wrong.

Anonymous said...

I am really pissed.

The markets started tanking soon after election day and with the Fed raising rates and saying they would raise rates 2 or 3 times next year. I do not think that the FED knows what it is doing and in part I believe the rate rates or easing is political in terms of timing.

We had at least 2 "Summers of Recovery". Biden and Obama talked it up. So if the economy recovered why did the rates remain flat?

The 2nd interest rate hike during Obama's term was not until after Trump was elected.

People are so fucking sick of the fucking FED.

The best thing people can do is learn economics, econometrics and keep learning. They need to keep voting and tell these assholes what fucking greedy mendacious shysters these economists are.

The Fed kept the rate at zero between 2008 and 2015. Recession ended in June 2009.

Look at the Trading Economics graph (x axis: 10 year range) & you can see the FED made a nice little hummock or safety net so that Obama could futz around trying to ruin the economy Soviet style.

Anonymous said...

Lori is honorable and so does not fully understand the utter depravity of Democrat Family Values.

Like this for example

Jerry Brown: No Manslaughter Clemency for S.F. Mayor London Breed’s Brother

The newer generation Dem pol, Breed, asked clemency from the older generation Dem pol, Brown, for clemency for her brother, who pushed a young mother of two from a speeding car. Honor among thieves. Indeed!

The Democrats are dishonorable. PERIOD!

B.Poster said...

I have read Lori's posts. They are very informative and based upon her record here I would strongly agree with the assessment that she is an honorable person.

The question she asks is the proper one and the answer she provides is proper as well. Nevertheless I fully expect Democrats to try and to be egged in by the media. IMHO the question is will Republicans in the Senate have the integrity to stand firm and oppose impeachment.

The Democrats may or may not succeed in impeachment. The thought that comes to mind herr is the "Salem Witch Trials." Generally people look upon this with scorn and as a part of our history we aren't proud of. I'm pretty sure future generations will look upon the attempt, successful or not, to impeach president Trump with the same type of scorn.

Anonymous said...

Gatuso will see thru the BS, but you try anyway.

Look on the bright side. The more you BS, the longer you are on, the probability of getting a goes up.

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