Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The U.S. Air Force Has Too Many Old Planes

Air Force F-35s fly in formation over Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Photo: Air Force

Daily Beast: The U.S. Air Force Is Headed for a Crash: Too Many Old Planes, Not Enough Cash

Most people replace their cars every six years, but the Air Force might hold on to a fighter jet for nearly half a century.

The U.S. Air Force’s planes are old—and getting older. The average Air Force plane is 28 years old, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That means hundreds, if not thousands, of Air Force pilots are flying planes built before they were born.

Replacing huge numbers of aging aircraft with newer models could be very, very expensive—up to $26 billion annually by the mid-2030s.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The F-35 has been one money pit for the Air Force .... at the expense of other planes. And the results of this policy are now being felt.


Jac said...

The end of the cold war makes the Pentagon being blind. The wake up is hard.

Anonymous said...

Come on Xi, the time to attack is now!

During the holiday feeding frenzy, America's collective fatty content is at an all-time high. This will double the fission/fusion effect of your thermonuclear weapons and kill twice as many America fatties while they listlessly stare at their smartphones.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:45

Do you ever get tired of putting out low quality bait?

Anonymous said...

No the F-35 isn’t the cause of the old plane syndrome. Sequestration is the reason. It mandated defense take 50% of the cuts in spending growth despite defense accounting for 30% of federal spending. That was why defense as a whole lagged on modernization, maintenance and R&D. Plus Obama’s wars in Libya, futile war in Syria and Afghanistan all draining defense accounts. Preventable by Obama and the Congress but both too corrupt to do the national interest.

Americanadian soldier said...

They should consult with the Canadian Air Force on how to keep ancient dinosaur aircraft in the sky’s.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 4:52

jimbrown said...

Enough already with the griping about old planes.

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