Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Has ISIS Been Defeated In Syria?

Caitlin Yilek, Washington Examiner: ISIS nearing its ‘end days’ in Syria

The Islamic State is nearing its final days in its last enclave in eastern Syria, according to a U.S. official.

Spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition Col. Sean Ryan told the Associated Press that the fight against ISIS “is going very well” and that the terrorist group’s “end days” are getting closer.

“They still have the capability for coordinated attacks, and the fight is not over,” Ryan said, adding that ISIS fighters are regrouping and their explosive devices have the ability to stymie Syrian Democratic Forces offensives.

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WNU Editor: ISIS is definitely not going out with a whimper .... ISIS has executed 700 Syrian prisoners in the past two months, says human rights group (AFP), and there are a few thousand who are still holed up in the mountains .... ISIS RETURN: Islamic State kill 700 in terror horror - 5000 jihadists holed up in Syria (Express).


Anonymous said...

Not at all

Anonymous said...

Define defeated, I'd like to hear the administration define their terms.

If he means defeated as in Japan surrendering in Tokyo Bay, then not at all defeated.

If he means the threat ISIS poses to America and allies in the Middle East, then he has a point. The USA has never been in the game of defending Syria but has been defending Iraq. Americans remain in Iraq and with the Iraqi Kurds. Its a substantial presence too, big enough to deal with any new threats to Iraq. Threats to Syria can be handled by the Russians and Syria, they are allies.

So lets hear the definition of terms.

Anonymous said...

no. assad, russians not allies...kurds and rebels were. no longer are. we gave up