Wednesday, December 19, 2018

President Trump Declares Victory Over ISIS In Syria. Orders Immediate Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Syria

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Trump declares victory over ISIS in Syria as military prepare for full withdrawal from civil war - leaving massive Russian presence unchallenged

* 'We have defeated ISIS in Syria' declared President Trump
* Said fight against the terror group was the 'only reason' for being there
* The U.S. intervened years ago in part to protect rebels who were under assault from the Assad regime and counter terror insurgents
* Russia soon stepped up its own air campaign there and remains as a regional power
* Move likely to please Turkish president Erdogan, who wants to counter U.S. allied Kurdish forces in Syria
* Move comes as Russia is establishing permanent military presence

President Donald Trump declared victory over ISIS in Syria on Wednesday, as the Pentagon prepares for an immediate troop withdrawal.

'We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency,' the president wrote on Twitter.

His declaration came after the Wall Street Journal and other outlets quoted Pentagon officials saying the U.S. would soon begin pulling out remaining forces, which number about 2,000.

'The Pentagon has an order to get to move troops out of Syria as quickly as possible,' a U.S. official told the paper.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Some in Congress are saying that this will be a mistake .... Syria troop withdrawal would be 'huge mistake', senior Republican warns – live (The Guardian)

More News On President Trump Ordering The Immediate Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Syria

U.S. begins to pull forces from Syria, officials see full withdrawal -- Reuters
Trump plans full withdrawal of US troops from Syria -- AFP
Official says US to withdraw all American troops in Syria -- AP
Trump orders rapid withdrawal from Syria in apparent reversal -- CNN
Trump plans full withdrawal of US troops from Syria -- The Guardian
U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Syria -- The Wall Street Journal
Trump signals US withdrawal from Syria -- The Hill
Trump Orders U.S. Troop Withdrawal From Syria, Claiming Victory -- Bloomberg
Syria conflict: US 'planning immediate withdrawal of troops' -- BBC
President Trump orders all US troops out of Syria, declares victory over ISIS -- USA Today
US weighs complete withdrawal of troops from Syria: US media -- Al Jazeera
Trump says ‘we have defeated ISIS’ as US starts withdrawal from Syria -- RT


Hans Persson said...

Hmm.. Maybe its "Damned"..

Anonymous said...

just one more lie for the day

Anonymous said...

BREAKING — US State Dep to withdraw its staff from Syria in 24 hours, US officials to Reuters

B.Poster said...


As an American, I have always used the expression "damned if you do, damned if you don't." I really don't like the word "damned." As such, another way to put this is "can't win for losing" or "no matter what you do someone is going to be unhappy."

In such situations the best thing to do is that which is right rather than that which is politically expedient or popular. With that said Trump's initial instincts on this one as to getting us out were/are spot on. Unfortunately we were probably manipulated by unscrupulous elements into launching an attack based upon an alleged chemical attack by Assad. This was likely either staged or carried out by the rebels with the hopes of manipulating us and unfortunately it worked.

Now is ISIS defeated? I would say probably not fully but it did not really start to suffer big losses until the Russians became heavily involved. As such, the Russians probably deserve the lion's share of the credit for the losses that ISIS has suffered but if Trump needs to take credit for this then so be it and Trump's critics can either a.) take credit themselves (a laughable idea if there ever was one), b.) they can allow Trump the credit, c.) or they can assign the proper credit to the Russians whom they hate and want war with at pretty much any cost.

Somehow prudence would suggest c but these people have shown themselves to be far from prudent. Just to cite a couple of examples folks like HRC and John Brenan seem to be pathologically insane. As such, they are unlikely to opt for the politically expedient face saving withdrawal from Syria that b would allow and they obviously aren't going to extend the proper acknowledgment to Russia for their yeoman work on this.

Getting out of Syria is not only the right thing for American interests but it happens to mesh with political interests as well. There is potential to solve three long standing issues within the next year or so. 1.)Much progress has been made on North Korea. with resolution this will make it easier to renegotiate our trade arrangements with China. 2.)While I am not sure if the Afghan government has finally decided to show up, talks are underway with the Taliban. If they don't show up, the US will simply negotiate an end with the Taliban with or without them. In fact, this may happen anyway. 3.)Getting out of Syria has much upside. It should definitely help to reduce tensions with Russia thereby allowing us to take positive steps toward ending Cold War 2. These moves should resonate well with the American people and should help POTUS as he confronts his political enemies and begins his reelection campaign and those who support these policies will likely be in a better position for election or reelection when the time comes.

Whether ISIS is fully defeated or not in Syria is hard to say. I would say not likely but I suspect the Russians and their Syrian allies should be able to complete the job. Unfortunately our boneheaded move to insert ourselves into this meant an increase in Iranian influence in Syria and their forces along with the Syrians are now battle hardened and despise us even more than they did. Improved relations with Russia should help us to mitigate this problem.

Anonymous said...

turn tail and split...all else in commentary is bs

Anonymous said...

Notice what he said "defeated ISIS in Syria". That was the mission of both Presidents.
Has any administration said the mission is to defeat ISIS anywhere else?

Here is a good prediction if the US maintains 2,000 to 3,0000 troops in Syria along with those State Dept people. Terror attacks targeting them grow monthly and are financed and operated by groups friendly to Assad, Russia and Iran. Syria has never been a US protectorate so why stay for years while a peace takes hold? We don't have a dog in that hunt. Not a vital American national interest.

Anonymous said...

" there’s plenty of confusion and miscommunication, and the details are still unclear. But there’s no doubt that as of Monday, James Jeffrey, the U.S. special representative for Syria engagement, was advertising a diametrically opposed strategy. In a presentation at the Atlantic Council in Washington, Jeffrey said the United States would stay in Syria until three goals are met: ensuring the lasting defeat of the Islamic State, rolling back Iranian influence and achieving a political solution to the crisis."

Anonymous said...

Wheels are turning.
State Dept announced approval for Turkey to purchase the Patriot ABM system worth $3.5 billion dollars. This has been a very contentious deal for years. So I smell deal making going on behind the scenes. Turkey had to give something up, rather significant, to get the US to approve.

fazman said...

All trump is doing is honouring his campaign promise

RussInSoCal said...

Sure, now that Trump has made an announcement about a pullout from Syria, here come the headlines of atrocities that we're supposed to stop.