Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Is China Making Plans To Have 10 Aircraft Carriers (Or More)?


Richard D. Fisher Jr., National Interest: A Global PLAN?: China's Navy Could Have 10 Aircraft Carriers (And More)

Signs abound that China is building or seeking the infrastructure necessary for global maritime projection.

In his reaction to the December 6 Chinese Global Times article quoting experts saying China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) may require five or six aircraft carriers, David Axe wrote an article asking, “Could Beijing really pull it off?” The short answer is that Beijing is just getting started.

For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) one of the most important missions for state media like the Global Times is to ensure that the Chinese people never doubt the increasing power of CCP’s dictatorship and that all others come to accept the inevitability of China’s “benevolent” global leadership. The Global Times and many other outlets daily promote scores of articles touting elements of Chinese power ranging from specific new weapons to China’s grand strategies. From now on, a major goal of China’s state media and its strategic information operations will be acclimating the world to a globally-projected People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

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WNU Editor: China has the infrastructure to build this many aircraft carriers. My prediction .... their long term goal is to be the dominant superpower in the world. Having a minimum of 10 aircraft carriers will be needed to accomplish this.


Anonymous said...

Why stop at just 3 crappy carriers when you can have 10 of them...

Carl said...

When you have a billion and a half people, you should expect to play a large role in the world. Any attempt to contain that by the US-UK and their allies/proxies will only lead to the doom of human civilization.

Anonymous said...

You're missing the point. No one is arguing that. This is more of a Nazi Germany style rise. The concentration camps the Chinese have ring a bell? What about the Chinese threatening all their neighbours with war? How about their torture halls and their civilian obedience scoring system that could be right out of a scifi horror novel? How about their tendency to become a completely totalitarian state in which the party rules all? How about china's ambition to influence the world and shape the world as superpower? Do you know what this will mean to freedom? What about freedom of speech? Care for it? Have you not seen what happened to the Hong Kong book dealers? Have you not seen what Chinese did to Muslims and just last week Christians? Do you not know anything about what China is doing? The swearing in of the army directly to Führer Xi- who told them to not fear death? My God you sir are the reason why we're in this mess. Catch up!