Wednesday, December 26, 2018

President Trump Is Starting The 3rd Year Of Presidency Having Started No New Wars And Trying To End 2 That He Inherited

WNU Editor: The comment thread to the above tweet is an interesting read. On a side note .... it was under his Presidency that the war against the Islamic State ended in Iraq, on top of getting U.S. forces out of Syria and (if reports are true) out of Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

Umm.. except no. Air strikes and war started with Syria.

Maybe no ones mentioned Trump's peaceful ways because he doesn't have any.

Anonymous said...

Umm.. except yes.

Trump did not start Syria.

He inherited it and it is just to war with ISIS.

Anyone who says it is not just to war with ISIS should be show the city gate, the village limits.

Mike Feldhake said...

Can anyone say North Korea! We're talking to them - ugh the haters. MAGA!!

Anonymous said...

Leftist trolls not having anything worthwhile to add to the discussion..typical

Anonymous said...

Wait what? CNN told me for two years, 24/7 - and on thousands if not tens of thousands of occasions, that Trump is a maniac, Hitler, a Nazi, a war mongerer who will nuke us all. That's what CNN literally broadcasted for 2 years straight up. Why they said this? Because dumb parrots like Fred then believed it and voted against him and defecated their BS all over the internet. If you continue to watch CNN you are the biggest retard. I don't even visit their website anymore. It's full of Chinese ads anyways.