Thursday, December 27, 2018

Russia Warns Turkey To Stay Out Of Syria And Let Assad Take Back Eastern Syria

Daily Mail/AP: Now Russia warns Turkey to stay OUT of Syria and let Assad take back areas vacated by Trump's withdrawal of US troops as Erdogan's forces prepare attack

* Pictures show Turkish armoured vehicles being sent to the border with Syria
* Turkey 'determined' to clear US-allied Kurdish fighters from Manbij in Syria
* US president Donald Trump announced a pullout of troops from Syria last week
* Russia says it expects Syrian forces to take back areas vacated by US troops

Russia has told Turkey to let the Syrian government take back areas vacated by US troops with Ankara preparing to clear Kurdish fighters from a town in the war-torn country.

The Kremlin's Foreign Ministry said it expects the territory to be handed to Assad's forces after US president Donald Trump announced a pullout from the country last week - a move that surprised allies and sparked the resignation of two of his top aides.

Turkey has said it is working with Washington to coordinate the withdrawal of US forces but remains 'determined' to clear US-allied Kurdish fighters from Manbij in northern Syria. Pictures have emerged today showing Turkish armoured military vehicles and troop carriers being dispatched to the border with Syria.

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WNU Editor: The Turkish President hates the Kurds more than listening to what Russia or Syria may want.


jimbrown said...

It's not our problem at least.

B.Poster said...

It looks to me like Turkey has one of two primary choices. 1.)If Russia means what they're saying and I believe they do hate the Kurds or not there's nothing Turkey can do. Perhaps they can cry about it and go pound sand. In other words, the rational choice is to stand down on this and instead make a constructive contribution to finishing off ISIS. 2.)They could ignore the Russians and press on. If this is the choice, they get crushed. Other reporting indicate that Saudi and UAE forces will be assisting the Kurds. If accurate and I think it is, the Turkish situation is even worse than just the Russians which is plenty bad enough for them. They can then get crushed at which time they can stand down.

There is a third option. Continue to press on with the fight against the Kurds in spite of this. In this case, the Erdogan government gets liquidated.

You're choice Erdogan. If rational, option 1 is taken. This would be my bet as to what Erdogan and Turkey will choose as humans generally want to survive and avoid humiliating defeats. Hate is a powerful driver and can lead people to do irrational things. As such, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of them choosing options 2 or 3.