Thursday, December 27, 2018

Is Iran The Most Likely Place For A Major New War In 2019?

RCP: Richard Haass: Iran Is The Most Likely Setting For A Major New War In 2019

Council on Foreign Relations president and author of "A World In Disarray" Richard Haass warns MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' that despite U.S. troops withdrawing from Syria and victory against ISIS, the Middle East is still the most dangerous flashpoint in the world:

RICHARD HAASS: One of the basic laws of the Middle East is things have to get worse before they get even worse. I think we're going to see that. If I were going to place a bet on 2019, where there could well be a serious new war in the world, it wouldn't be North Korea, it wouldn't be the South China Sea. You never know what Mr. Putin will do in Ukraine, but I would bet on Iran, whether it is Israel vis-a-vis Iran or it is the Saudis doing something, perhaps hoping to change the conversation so we don't see Saudi Arabia simply as the murderer of a journalist, but we see them as a necessary partner against Iran, or Iran will do something because of the pressure they're feeling on sanctions.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Iran is not where the next war is going to take place. In 2019 the world will be focused on two conflict zones. The final assault on the rebel stronghold of Idlib Province, and on the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

Richard Hass has a record of foreign policy failures sufficiently deep to ignore him.

Anonymous said...

The DPRK is still on my short list. Though nothing major will probably happen until 2020.

fazman said...

Of course iran could erupt into a major war , how you can you argue otherwise with volatility of the area in conjunction with bibis open strike first policy.

Anonymous said...

anon: I would trust Hass more than you