Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Russian President Putin Boasts That Russia Is Ready To Deploy New Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles

Reuters: Putin says Russia is ready to deploy new hypersonic nuclear missile

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia would deploy its first regiment of hypersonic nuclear-capable missiles next year, saying the move meant his country now had a new type of strategic weapon.

Putin was speaking after overseeing what the Kremlin said was a pre-deployment test of the new missile system, called Avangard.

“This test, which has just finished, ended with complete success,” Putin told a government meeting.

“From next year, 2019, Russia’s armed forces will get the new intercontinental strategic system Avangard ... It’s a big moment in the life of the armed forces and in the life of the country. Russia has obtained a new type of strategic weapon.”

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More News On Russian President Putin Boasting That Russia Is Ready To Deploy New Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles

‘Best New Year’s gift to Russia’: Putin boasts successful test of Avangard hypersonic glider -- RT
Putin crows as he oversees Russian hypersonic weapons test -- ABC News/AP
Putin Says Latest Test of Hypersonic Warhead Successful -- Bloomberg
Russia tests Avangard hypersonic system on Putin's orders -- TASS
Putin oversees testing of new hypersonic missile system: report -- The Hill
WATCH Successful Public Test-Launch of Russia's Avangard Hypersonic Missile -- Sputnik
Watch VIDEO of public test launch of Russia’s Avangard hypersonic glider -- RT


Anonymous said...

Definitely an arms race so definitely a cold war.

All Hail Putin!

Think of how rich he will make those Democrat Industrialists!

Jac said...

Well, I'm always cautious with all these "victory claim". The industrial way is always uneasy. So, even everything is going well this will not change the equation : Russia can burn America but Russia will be burn too. The only change is the speed for Russia, so far. America can do that too.
The main point of that is communication.

Carl said...

Everybody ignores why the Russians began their hypersonic weapons programs in the first place. Putin made it clear in his March 1 address and it has been articulated a number of times since. The Russian hypersonic weapons programs were begun in response to the US unilateral decision back in 2002, to abrogate the ABM Treaty. If the US was going to build the capability for a first strike, as the Russians saw it, then Russia was going to respond by developing a family of weapons to outflank US missile defenses. the US side is still blind to the fact that decisions like the 2002 withdrawal from the ABM treaty have consequences that they don't control. The same principle will impose itself if the US carries through with its threat to leave the INF Treaty, too.

Anonymous said...


You mean the treaties Russia breaks.

Nice very nice. They can break them, but we have to keep them.

You are why we can't have nice things.

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