Saturday, January 5, 2019

A New Pistol For The Russian Military?

RT: Russia’s brand new ‘Boa’ pistol may soon replace legendary Makarov sidearm

A state-of-the-art pistol, nicknamed ‘Udav’ may soon become a new sidearm of the Russian military, which is hastily seeking a proper replacement to its time-proven but aging Makarov’s weapon.

The newest pistol successfully withstood all trials held by the weapons manufacturer and the Russian Defense Ministry, the arms producer, the Central Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering, said in a statement. ‘Udav’ (Russian for ‘Boa’) was tested for reliability in harsh weather conditions and performed very well in both frost and heat, the statement said.

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WNU Editor: It is hard to believe that they are going to replace the Marakov. But I guess after six decades of having the same pistol (even though it is reliable), they want to replace it with something "modern".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reliability helps win wars.

Learned just the other day that the Czechoslovakian tanks that Neville Chamberlain so graciously bequeathed Adolph Hitler were twice as reliable as the German tanks. So it was not only the additional number that the Czech tanks provided that helped the Germans in the Battle for France, but their reliability and consequent uptime.