Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan: The $1 Trillion F-35 Is 'F-----' And Shouldn't Have Been Made

U.S. President Donald Trump (L) listens next to Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan during a Cabinet meeting on day 12 of the partial U.S. government shutdown at the White House in Washington, U.S., January 2, 2019. REUTERS/Jim Young

Business Insider: Trump's new Pentagon chief reportedly said the $1 trillion F-35 is 'f-----' and shouldn't have been made

  * Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, a former Boeing executive, has reportedly been railing against Lockheed Martin's F-35 in private meetings, Politico reported Wednesday.
  * At one point, he reportedly described the Joint Strike Fighter program as "f---ed up," arguing that Boeing could have done a better job.
  * Shanahan has signed a ethics agreement recusing himself from participating in matters involving his former company, a leading US defense contractor.

The new defense chief, a former Boeing employee, has reportedly been extremely critical Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter in private meetings, raising questions about whether he is biased in overseeing the largest weapons program in history.

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who took over in the wake of former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' resignation, spent over 30 years at Boeing before he joined the Department of Defense in 2017 as the deputy secretary of defense.

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WNU Editor: The source for this remark is anonymous. What's my take. I hope it is true. The F-35 is over-budget and years late. People have to be held accountable for this screw-up, and none have been so far. As for those who oppose the Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense, the rumour mill is starting .... New Pentagon chief under scrutiny over perceived Boeing bias (Politico).


Anonymous said...

As if anyone had a different opinion.. that program has been so over Budget - well documented in news around the World- and had so many technical problems that are no secret at all - like oxygen and helmet issues-and software and the engine. Everything lol. .so it should be an absolute non-issue. .BUT if it is a slow news week, it'll give the CNN brain zombies a little bit to nibble on still. The Russia meat is all chewed off the bone, even the dumbest parrots among us don't pick on it anymore.. some were so ashamed of their mental 2 year long failings and being used by Democrat overlords they decided to even post anonymously now and no longer use their name here. ;) full of shame. Understandable. I told him two years ago haha. He wouldn't listen..I miss my little parrot though. .hope he's well :))

Anonymous said...

Given Boeing's performance on the KC-46 his remarks are laughable.
Boeing isn't batting a high average on the On Cost/On Time games either.

On the other hand saying its fracked up is speaking the truth. Trump said so as well. Its no accident the Pentagon is supposedly considering buys of a souped up F15, called F-15X.

Anonymous said...

A guy from one company badmouths the product from a competing company...small wonder our nation is fucked up under
the Orange Man

Anonymous said...

Everyone read Anon's @2:58pm comment..

ALWAYS the left.. telling US we are the deplorables, but constantly look shaming others.. right.. the disease of the leftie. Incapable of seeing his or her mirrorimage and projecting, projecting, projecting. CNN is full of em

Anonymous said...



fazman said...

Yeah capitalism and industrial competition is really bad, Da da

Anonymous said...

Overuse of capitalization is one. You are prime evidence.