Wednesday, January 9, 2019

U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Who Is Overseeing The Mueller Investigation To Leave In a Few Weeks

NBC: Rod Rosenstein, who oversaw Mueller probe, leaving Justice Department

The No. 2 official is set to depart within the next month, officials said, with Trump's pick for AG expected to be confirmed soon.

WASHINGTON — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who had been overseeing Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation, plans to step down within the next month, according to administration officials familiar with his thinking.

Rosenstein had long intended to serve about two years as the Justice Department's No. 2 official, these officials say. They add that this is his own plan and that he is not being forced out by the White House. That's despite the fact that he's been a frequent target of criticism from President Donald Trump on Twitter.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: His resignation/retirement is two years too late. As for the Mueller probe. Their request this week for a six month extension to keep the grand jury on standby tells me that their investigation (after almost 2 years) is far from over.

More News On The Departure Of U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Rosenstein, a frequent Trump target, will leave Justice Dept -- AP
U.S. official Rosenstein, overseeing Russia probe, set to leave -- Reuters
Rosenstein leaving DOJ after Barr confirmation: reports -- The Hill
Rosenstein to leave DOJ in coming weeks, sources say -- FOX News
Rosenstein, who picked Mueller, plans to leave Justice Dept. shortly after Barr confirmed -- CNN
Ex-Russia inquiry chief Rod Rosenstein 'plans to resign' -- BBC
Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller, to leave DOJ soon: reports -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Trump to halt U.S. relief funds for California wildfires
that phuckhead needs to be put on trial

Anonymous said...

How about stopping sanctuary cities? Some fires made by illegal by the way..
Also isn't California the root cause of illegal immigration and famous for mismanagement of water and forest areas? ie too much grows on the floor and is drying and then there's no water and tons of heat.. makes sense. Let's do more of that and get more illegal immigration. More mismanagement makes also sense considering what San Frsncisco looks like now with the drugs and the feces.

But you go on, you keep asking for money. But no money for what the other half wants, right? Because the narrative "walls don't work" convinced you. .right? Oh leftie brain. .m have you ever heard of a FIREWALL? Both the historic and current technological firewalls work and are used every day. But walls don't work and mobs are not mobs and spying isn't spying. March on little parrot, march on

Anonymous said...

The man has done all the damage to Trump that he can. Time to move on to a very well paid job with the establishment.

Mike Feldhake said...

Stop the stupid investigation, it's just for show. Dems have broken far more laws but are protected in this dual legal system.