Friday, January 18, 2019

Are The French Fed Up With Macron?

France 24: Same old elite? Macron's 'revolution' fails with fed up French

Jean-Baptiste Moreau, a farmer who splits his time between parliament and his cow sheds, thought he would be part of the solution to France's political problems when he was elected.

The 41-year-old won a seat in parliament in June 2017 in what some commentators termed a "velvet revolution" led by President Emmanuel Macron, which saw grumpy voters turf out a whole generation of MPs from the country's main political parties.

Macron's victorious centrist movement filled half its parliamentary seats with people who had never held political office before, including Moreau, who posted a picture on Twitter of himself delivering a calf on Christmas Day.

But less than two years after the biggest turnover in political personnel in 60 years, France has faced another anti-elite revolt led by "yellow vest" protesters commanding widespread public support.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A little back grounded here. I live in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), and I can speak and read French. I have many friends in France, and I have been there so many times over the years that I have lost count. That is why when I read the above analysis from France 24 I am just shaking my head on how wrong they are. To begin .... French President Emmanuel Macron's movement is not centrist .... not even close (though they like to say that they are). The French President was a member of the Socialist Party for years, and was appointed by Socialist French President to be Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs. He was always a statist, and nothing he has done as President has convinced me otherwise. And as for his "revolution" .... what a laugh .... it is more of an attempt to maintain the status quo. So what is my take on the unrest. The revolt is not about elites .... it is more about the working poor, middle class, small entrepreneurs, and those who want a better life who are revolting against a system and ideology that they feel is targeting them. What is also making them even more angrier is how they have been labelled by the French President .... Seeking to quell Yellow Vest anger, Macron says some of the poor are just 'screwing around' (France 24), and how the police has been used stop them .... Gilets Jaunes: French 'flash-ball' row over riot-gun injuries (BBC). What is worse is that French President Macron is not going to deviate from his policies. He believes he has a mandate to impose them, and he will. The end result is to expect more protests as the weather gets better, and definitely a very "hot" summer.


Anonymous said...

Has Europe had a worse leadership team since the founding of the EU? I don't think so. England, France, Germany all led by incompetents who ruined their party's popularity. They did it by following in each others footsteps to go ever more left on immigration, state control of the economy and climate policies that don't benefit anyone outside the governing circle of govt and business.

Anonymous said...

and the United States? Pres Trump has never in two years hit 50% approval rating despite good jobs reports and good economy...what does that tell us?

parrot said...

Each nation has its own leader(s) to worry about

Anonymous said...

Are American's fed up with Trump? CHUDS SAY NO.

Anonymous said...

America? Compared to the lightweights in Europe?
American economy is booming and manufacturing is reviving again with hundreds of thousands of jobs added in Trumps term.
Economic growth exceeds 3% for two years, Obama couldn’t do that in 8 for the first time in over 100 years.

North Korea stopped its ICBM tests and stopped threatening Japan and the USA, not seen since Reagans era.
China is facing unprecedented economic warfare from the USA, yet the USA economy booms while Chinas tumbles. Trump did this.
Trump hasn’t started a new war and is pulling out of inherented wars. Obama didn’t.
Europe would love to have Trumps economic record and Macron would be a hero if he did.

Mike Feldhake said...


Anonymous said...

idiot said...
Each nation has its own leader(s) to worry about

Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Hugo Chaves were elected, the Left in America crowed endlessly about how the tide was coming in for the Left. Now that the fan boys leaders are discredited or out of office (as well as Leftist policies), they do not want to talk about socialist leaders anymore. Pretty soon the morons will not want to talk about Sweden or the other Nordic countries. the morons are learning but it it takes several decades and for some of them a collective consciousness spanning 200 years to figure out their policies are no good.

Polices like 40% to 50% renewables is crap. Denmark does it, but only because they can export their power. You can only export so much surplus power without wrecking the electrical grid. If Germany had the same set up in the same percentage as Denmark, Europe would be kaput!

Why did the Fat Fraulein Fraud not run the numbers herself. She ought to be able to do the figures. She is a PhD Chemist.

Mike Feldhake said...

Yes! MAGA.

Unfortunately, that logic does not stick with the haters. I think they don't care much, they would rather lie, cheat and steal to gain what they want. Sad but true and I fear for our nation.

Anonymous said...

Escort Who Claimed Evidence of Russian Meddling Is Detained in ... New York Slime

"Model who claimed U.S.-Russian collusion tape held in Moscow on prostitution charges"

She is going away for 6 years. She supposedly had 16 hours of tape. She did not make copies and hide some. There are no tapes.

So porn masters, chuds, and other Democrat fan boys will have to find some other way to peak.

Can Democrat apparatchiks and boot lickers even put Anastasia Vashukevich in Moscow the same time a Trump?

Why do Democrat arse lickers call Anastasia Vashukevich a model instead of what she is, a whore? Is it to make her a smidge more believable than a pimp?

Anonymous said...

Hugo Chavez is on many tshirts and you know the magic of capitalism. Whoever makes it on tshirts worn by the left (oh the irony) isn't a bad person. No matter how many people he executed. He was left. Left =righteous angels, right=evil racists

Hope you remember the narrative. Stick to it,or else