Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Are U.S. Stealth Fighters 'Paper Fiction?

Lockheed Martin

Dave Majumdar, National Interest: Russia Thinks the F-22 and F-35 Stealth Fighter are "Paper Fiction"


Even if the Kremlin had found a way to defeat American low observable technology, it would be imprudent for Moscow to telegraph that message to its opponents in Washington

Why is the Kremlin investing billions of dollars (rubles) into the Sukhoi PAK-FA fifth-generation fighter and the PAK-DA stealth bomber if Moscow considers stealth technology to be useless?

Recently, in response to a column I wrote, Russian media denounced stealth technology as useless—asserting that aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor or F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) would easily fall prey to advanced Russian-built air defenses. The column clearly struck a nerve with Russia’s air defense experts. Indeed, former chief of staff of Russia’s air defense forces, Col. Gen. Igor Maltsev, told Gazeta.ru that stealth technology was “paper fiction.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Stealth technology is very real. Otherwise why would China, Russia, the U.S., and other countries spend billions trying to perfect it.


Anonymous said...

Proof that Russia can't deal with stealth is in the skies over Syria where Israel still launches attacks from the air at will using both F-35's and its F-16's or F-15's.

Show me they can keep Israel far away from Syrian skies and I'll believe the Russians are on to something.

Anonymous said...

Total rubbish. Israel's air force launches Delilah cruise missiles into Syria from over Lebanon, which means the jets are in the radar shadow of the area's mountains. Russian radar can't see through rock.

What the Israelis don't do, is fly into Syria. Too scared of GBAD.

Anonymous said...

Anon @1:08. Nonsense.
Iran just went public condemning the Russians for not turning their radars on, which have been in Syria for many months. Can't hit what you can't see, mountains or not.
Second if the S-400's were able to defeat stealth, they'd shoot down whatever missiles Israel is sending towards Syria. Based upon the video evidence that doesn't happen. Based upon Iranian anger, they are getting hurt.
Also, those Russian missiles have a range of about 150 miles extending all over Israel and out to the Med, they should be able to track Israeli jets, paint them with emissions for much of their flight paths. Yet Israel does what it likes.

Anonymous said...

The Unintended Consequences of Trump’s Decision to Withdraw From Syria
It has already empowered Russia and Iran while undermining the Kurds.

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