Tuesday, January 29, 2019

U.S. Democrat Lawmakers Want To Limit A U.S. President From Launching A Nuclear Strike

VOA: US Lawmakers Set to Introduce 'First Strike' Bill

U.S. lawmakers and nuclear arms control leaders are set to hold a news conference Tuesday to discuss limiting the power of U.S. presidents to launch a nuclear strike.

Democratic Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts and Congressman Ted Lieu of California are seeking to limit the ability of "President Donald Trump or any U.S. president to launch a nuclear first strike without a declaration of war by Congress," a statement they released Tuesday said.

The statement cited the incident in 2018 when the president taunted North Korea over the size of his nuclear button.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is just a political stunt. Here is an easy prediction. This bill is going nowhere.


RussInSoCal said...

The difference between the Left and conservatives is that Lefties take everything Trump says absolutely literally. Like an 8 year old listening to his verbose uncle.

Conservatives take Trump seriously, not literally. The difference is lost on most leftwingers.

Anonymous said...

your comment is lost on those who dismiss huge generalizations that are cliches based on biases

Anonymous said...

U.S. intel agencies: Russia and China plotting to interfere in 2020 election
DNI chief Dan Coats also noted that U.S. intelligence agencies believe North Korea is unlikely to give up its nuclear weapons.

Anonymous said...

They also use words like 'gravitas' more often.

As in: A president has to talk, walk and speak in a certain way, to give the impression of statesmanship and portray a certain degree of gravitas.

You know, like Bill Clinton and Obama

Bill was a sweet talker and I like him still. He was an ass though and didn't accomplish much.

Same with Obama. Loved him, still think he's slick. Voted for him twice, but he was and still is - from my honest perspective of following politics for a few decades - the weakest foreign policy president and brought us the red line debacle, the failed pivot to Asia that brought us hyper militarisation in the South China sea, the climate accord which was more a good will gesture that cost 2 trillion and didn't fix anything, the Iran deal, which even Benjamin Nentajahuh hated .. to -nothing- on North Korea and kicking the buck down the road... I just hated his foreign politics.. BUT he was a sweet talker, a politician, slick.. and I liked him better than the alternative (Hillary who ran against him back then).. but ultimately - and this is what matters to Republicans more than Democrats, I'm afraid - results matter. And while he got Osama (it was actually seal team six, the pakistani doctor he let rot in the prison for several years - where he STILL is), overall he was super weak.

Trump: brash, loud - and equally arrogant to Obama, if not more so :) BUT.. he actually made Nato stronger, not weaker (by 100bn!), sent lethal weapon systems to Ukraine (weakening Russia's threat scenario there), had about 100-200 Russian soldiers who attacked an US outpost "by accident" (or test US resolve there), immediately bombed Syria, which was much quieter after, had more freedom of navigation ops in South China sea, makes better trade agreements and puts China in line (worth trilions in itself and should be done if the US wants to remain #1)... overall, he seems to be a go getter, someone who gets stuff done, rather than someone who is great at talking.

And he didn't weaponize the FBI, and IRS as the democrats under Obama started..that alone should could for something, whether you are left or right

Anonymous said...

Gravitas is a word used by pundits, MSM...not by elected officials!
your anti-Democrat tirade is silly
to simplify: NATO depends less and less on us as an ally
Syria keeps Assad, Russia and Iran stronger in the region we gave up and allies Kurds and Israel see us an unreliable partner
read something other than Fox and deal with the present rather than the Obama years, something Trumistas love to do..ps: Obama got OBL and yes done by Seals...but if Trump takes credit for the economy then the man in charge gets credit or blame for what takes place
you simply dump the usual cliches and can not face the mess we have in Trump...just look at the shutdown!

Anonymous said...

"to simplify: NATO depends less and less on us as an ally
Syria keeps Assad, Russia and Iran stronger in the region we gave up and allies Kurds and Israel see us an unreliable partner"

Love the honesty, I needed a good laugh this morning:)

fred said...

The transatlantic alliance has been a target of Donald Trump’s ire for decades. Since taking office, he has berated European leaders, waffled on America’s Article 5 commitment to protect allies, and even mused about withdrawing from the pact. Yet for two years, largely thanks to the initiative of Congress and the Pentagon, day-to-day relations with NATO remained relatively steady. The administration increased spending on military activities meant to deter Russian aggression. The alliance also took steps to improve its military readiness and address unconventional threats such as cyberattacks and information warfare.

fred said...

Your argument is a good one BUT
Trump has never imposed any sanction against Russia (the gop did)
Trump has met here with Putin and NO American has known still what got said or promised.
Trump has some dozen or more associated with him and his campaign who have been sentenced or are indicted and many for Russian connections
Trump is viewed by many as erratic, unstable
and now we learn this: Source: Trump sat down with Putin at G20 without US note-taker

fred said...

Getting the President to clearly state that he believes his own intelligence community over Vladimir Putin on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election has been a Herculean task. According to officials who spoke to the Washington Post, an interpreter who was present during a meeting in July 2017 in Hamburg said Putin denied Russian involvement in the US election. Trump reportedly responded by saying, "I believe you."
Even at the Helsinki Summit last July, Trump couldn't articulate five simple words: Russia interfered in our election.
An unconflicted president would at a minimum refrain from undercutting the law enforcement professionals who are working to keep America safe by conducting the special counsel's counterintelligence investigation. And, while it is appropriate to refrain on commenting on Roger Stone's guilt while he awaits trial, an unconflicted president would reaffirm that Russian cyber attacks and information laundering to help any candidate is illegal (we've indicted and sanctioned Russians for it). He would also clearly articulate that Americans who engage with foreign countries who are attacking us during our elections will be punished regardless of whose campaign they're on.

Anonymous said...

"Trump has some dozen or more associated with him and his campaign who have been sentenced or are indicted and many for Russian connections"

February is almost here, boy, and there is noting to show for you investigation except process crimes. You main man, Mueller, has no collusion.

Ballsy Ford lied to Congress, She is not indicted. Instead they round up Stone.

"Even at the Helsinki Summit last July, Trump couldn't articulate five simple words"
Fred is loquacious to the max with nonsense ideas and gibberish. We should just be happy that he does not do what Heinlein described.

fred said...

Instead of doing a trump[ thing, ie name calling, deal with facts
Mueller meantime gets more and more indictments. and the Dems in Congress will soon get things moving...how long was it that No Nothing gop went after Hillary, nonstop, and came up with? zip

Now as Lori noted, the president has but 20 minutes to launch a nuke strike. Perhaps. But what if, just if, Trump is controlled by Russia and HE DOES NOT LAUNCH NUKE STRIKE because that is what he has been told to d>
HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT HE HAS BEEN TOLD? We do not know since with two private meetings with Putin No American knows what got said!

fred said...

Russia Offered North Korea a Nuclear Power Plant to Interfere With Donald Trump's Negotiations With Kim Jong Un: Report

Anonymous said...

The GOP can come up with nothing if the FBI lets Hillary and her aides destroy all the computer hardware and use Bleachbit software

"No American knows what got said!"
The translator was there. It is so easy to shoot down your stupid arguments.

Soon the children of the corn will be after Marina Gross, because that is what Leftists fascists do.