Monday, January 28, 2019

Iran's Military Chief Of Staff: 'Forces Could Shift To 'Offensive Approach'

Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, the Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff, said on Sunday that Iran may adopt an offensive approach to protect its national interests.

Times of Israel: Iran’s military chief warns his forces could shift to ‘offensive approach’

Mohammad Bagheri indicates Tehran preparing to change up military tactics; ground forces’ commander says his troops ready for ‘forward-moving and offensive’ operations.

Iran’s military chief of staff indicated on Sunday that Tehran was preparing to adopt offensive military tactics to protect its national interests.

“Among the country’s broad strategies, there is a defensive strategy. We defend the independence and territorial integrity and national interests of the country,” Gen. Mohammad Bagheri was quoted as saying by Press TV.

the northern province of Aleppo, Syria, October 20, 2017. (Syrian Central Military Media, via AP)

Iran’s military chief of staff indicated on Sunday that Tehran was preparing to adopt offensive military tactics to protect its national interests.

“Among the country’s broad strategies, there is a defensive strategy. We defend the independence and territorial integrity and national interests of the country,” Gen. Mohammad Bagheri was quoted as saying by Press TV.

He said Iran did not intend to seize foreign territory, but “to protect our national achievements and interests, we may adopt an offensive approach.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran may adopt offensive approach to protect national interests: military chief (Tehran Times)
Update #2: Iranian Chief of Staff threatens to take 'offensive' tactics (Arutz Sheva)

WNU Editor: Guess who is the target .... Iran general says Tehran aims to wipe Israel off the ‘global political map’ (Times of Israel)


Anonymous said...

Obama's support for the Iran nuclear deal has been toxic to that region. He gave Iran billions to feed their R&D efforts for ICBM's and nuclear warheads. Just amazing Obama could be so supportive and helpful to a 40 years on lethal enemy to the USA. His colluding with an enemy borders on treasonous.

Anonymous said...

anon--you are dead wrong
O. gave back the money we held that belonged to them in order to get a treaty deal..we now have none because of Trump and dopes like you who do not read, are low IQ state nonsense and blame all things on Obama rather than focus on the president, in power now for two years...Do you get off on making such dumb remarks
Ok. Now I have told you what happened. You should, if ordinary IQ, do a search and apologize for your dumb remark. You will not. You are too convinced of your smartness to believe you might be dead wrong. YOU ARE AND SO TOO OTHERS LIKE YOU COMMENTING HERE

Mike Feldhake said...

Hey anon, be careful how you wield such a post. I knew about the treaty and the money we sent them was necessary. However, Obama did coddle Iran and helped them along. In fact, Obama also did not enforce his Red line causing Huge global impacts; On Syria, Iran in Syria, Immigration to EU etc etc. Not to mention the ISIL issue, we should have done more up front but we waited too long.

Matthew Putnam said...

Anon 1129,

The deal sucked in every facet. Nothing was gained by the West, and all leverage to ensure a favorable outcome was just given away immediately; including the billions of dollars that were just simply given back and ultimately reinvested back into the very program the "deal" was trying to undermine and get rid of. It was just another narcissistic accomplishment stacker for a failed, lackluster president and for his religious followers that are stupid enough to readily count on his long list of "accomplishments". More panting. Moar frothing.

Anonymous said...

Oh no i need a year check........ what year is it?
Because we here this same crap every year. Iran is like that one ex-girlfriend that is always blaming you for the breakup and saying YOUR GONNA REGRET IT and then fb stalking ya when you ignore her....

Anonymous said...

ok. Deal sucked...and so two years later what has Trump done about Iran? oh, pulling out of Syria so Hezbollah, their client, can move closer to Golan Heights and that is what we calling winning, right?
focus on NOW not Obama from two years ago...Iran was not in key position when Obama in White House.

Matthew Putnam said...

Usurpation of Assad, with full support of the Kurds etc by the US would have taken only a few months with the conditions at the time. It would have been fairly quick resulted in not nearly as much bloodshed as it has to this date. Obama went in there, with his signature foreign policy of polished words and aloof indeterminacy, and just sat there for a years. The world could not follow the US under Obama because not even Obama or his administration could articulate what it was exactly their foreign policy was. No ones "feel feels" were allowed to be hurt, and the rest of the anti West world were quick to notice this. Civil war in Syria, Crimea, North Korea etc. No one did anything leading up to or after these events, and everyone just stood by because there was no effective leadership aside from a golden child with nice words. The lack of forceful and well articulated goals closed the window of opportunity in Syria, and allowed for the gradual insertion of Russia and Iran, and this slowly pushed the US into the little pocket where it is now. Conditions have changed so much since the start, and now the US can remain there and be a thorn in the side of the Axis that will now run things there, but at a higher cost than will be worth that cost. An "America first" calculus make this so. Syria is a valuable proxy for Russia, one of the few it still has left in the region in the post Soviet world. Iran has a special interest in Syria, largely politically, but also religiously as a fellow Shia State. Alawites are a sect of the Ghulat branch of Shia Islam, and Shia states have historically been a little more cohesive in their alliances than Sunni states using the same metric. Decisively going into Syria early and getting the job done quickly would have not given these other players the chance to interfere in what would have been a relatively predictable and easy to achieve outcome. Syria was Obamas failure because he literally just sat there and invested the US half heartedly into the affair, and now it is Trumps current mess. You cant argue otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Id like to see Iran combat Israeli in the air with their F14 fleet. F14 is an interceptor and as such should be capable of downing some planes. I wouldn't expect those F15's 16's and 35's to be armed to Air to Air so Iran should be able to take them down easily. Once they start arming them with Air to Air their strike package starts to diminish rendering Syrias air defense more capable.

Anonymous said...

And this is where you lose all credibility. Maybe you should change hands, before you hurt your wrist.

fazman said...

Has anyone seen B Poster?

Anonymous said...

Even Netanjahu called the deal horrible and blamed Obama. That should count for something. But the left doesn't want to hear any critic of their own golden boy.