Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Poll: Americans Oppose President Trump’s Foreign Policy

WNU Editor: The poll in question is here .... Poll: Most Americans oppose Trump’s foreign policy (Military Times). Do most Americans/Democrats support U.S. soldiers staying in Syria and Afghanistan as the above poll states? Hmmmm .... I doubt it.


Anonymous said...

Only 26% of democrats approve removing US troops from Syria...that says an awful lot right there.

Mike Feldhake said...

I would not believe a single poll right now, and by default this one looks totally biased.

Anonymous said...

1) Only 26% of democrats approve removing US troops from Syria...that says an awful lot right there.

2) I would not believe a single poll right now, and by default this one looks totally biased.

(1.) Bingo

(2.) Bingo

Anonymous said...

CNN ? fake. how do you know? Trump[ says so
Poll fake? how do you know? does not agree with what Trump wants it to say
tip: confront reality

Anonymous said...

It is a fake poll if it is not properly sampled.

People distrusted the news media long before Trump called them out, parrot.

Most Americans say they have lost trust in the media


Anonymous said...

1,062 adults speak for most Americans?
Until they start releasing the names and places of everyone asked. I don't care what these people say.
Ask the entire voting public. Then I'll call that a poll to believe in.

Here in California.
No one I know wants our troops in Afghanistan anymore. Pretty sure an extreme minority in the Armed Forces, want to hang around Afghanistan. That place where Green on Green murders occur.
Any of those 1,062 polled want to exchange places with a grunt at a Firebase? Sane people know that answer.


Anonymous said...

IF WW3 breaks out, there will be no Anabasis for all of the troops in Afghanistan.

They are over extended.

- Pakistan sides with the Taliban.
- Pakistan sides with China, because of bribes, the silk road and India.

Afghanistan is a nice to have. As in any other place in the world it would be nice to have a place where mean do not cut off the private parts of little girls. It would be nice to have men not shooting women in the head for being uppity and getting an education.

It is a nice to have, but not a must have.

If Venezuela and Syria were settled in our favor, it would be a must have.

As it is we have thousands of cases of FGM in the US. We are losing the war in the US. We have asshole judges siding with sexist, racist, bigot homophobes.

When something is a moral imperative to get done, to would behoove a judge to not simply rule against some thing that is right based on a technicality, but to give a way forward under the law.

In what world is it right to cut parts off a woman?

Anonymous said...

The Peculiar Logic of the Trump-Russia Scandal Deniers

Anonymous said...

The Peculiar Logic of Parrots that Strengthening the Military proves anything, but approves of those who weaken it like Obama.

fred said...

ah, and cold weather? blame Obama you dope

Anonymous said...

Obama should be blamed. He got rid of as many reliable coal plants providing steady base power and replaced it with unreliable renewables.

Anonymous said...

Trump is right. The bureaucrats are wrong.

Iran is building a network in Paraguay, Venezuela, Mexico and inside the US and the Intel Chief is asleep. Parrot doesn't know much about the countries or what is happening in them.

Anonymous said...

"The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran," the president tweeted. "They are wrong!

- via The Independent

Trump is correct. Good link BTW. Maybe you should have read the article yourself instead of gloating over the headline.

Yes, the intel chiefs need to go back to school. They are very comfortable sitting in their leather high back chairs looking impotent.

"Dozens of US spies killed after Iran and China uncovered CIA messaging service using Google"

Lebanon Is Protecting Hezbollah’s Cocaine Trade in Latin America
- Foreign Policy

Brazil arrests top Hezbollah financier wanted for crimes in Paraguay
- Times of Israel

"US Treasury describes Assad Ahmad Barakat as key figure for the Lebanese terror group, operating in an area considered a haven for smugglers, traffickers and counterfeiters"

Is the Times of Israel a good enough source or should I find a Brasilian newspaper that carried the same story?


The intel Chiefs need to go back to school, say pre-K.


Anonymous said...

Easily led people are led by the nose ring by journalists solely using headlines.