Wednesday, January 2, 2019

President Trump Acknowledges That Iran Can Do What They Want In Syria

Jerusalem Post: Trump cedes Syria to Iran: 'They can do what they want there, frankly'

Blaming the balance of power in Syria on his predecessor, Barack Obama, Trump said the country was "lost long ago" and that he did not want the US military fighting there forever.

WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump acknowledged on Wednesday that Iranian forces have been emboldened in Syria, amid widespread concern over his decision to hastily withdraw US troops from the battlefield there.

Blaming the balance of power in Syria on his predecessor, Barack Obama, Trump said the country was “lost long ago” and that he did not want the US military fighting there forever.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Syrian President Assad is in power today because of Russian air power and Iranian backed ground troops, and in turn Assad owes both Russia and Iran a huge debt that will be difficult to be repaid. Iran can do what they want in Syria .... President Trump is stating the obvious.

More News On President Trump Acknowledging That Iran Can Do What They Want In Syria

Trump: Iran ‘can do what they want’ in Syria -- Times of Israel
Trump: Iran can do what it wants in Syria -- Arutz Sheva
Trump: 'Iran can do what they want in Syria' -- i24/AFP
Iran 'Can Do What They Want' in Syria, Trump Says -- Haaretz


CatholicDragoon said...

Iran gets Syria and the U.S. gets most of the rest of the world.
Seems fair.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that Trump is just making this up as he goes. Whatever his faults and they are many, the guy is an excellent salesman. He sucks all the air out of whatever place he's in.

Iran has plenty of checks on their maneuver in Syrian. The Turks, Russians, Kurds, Gulf states and Israel all check Iran.

Anonymous said...

I do not like to see us pull out of Syria. I want to see a Kurdish nation. Still all in all I am with Trump 110%.

Democrats want to cry, because they want an issue. They have not been for a good defense budget of policy since Truman, so screw those lying sacks of ____!

Hard to run a war or maintain a military, when 1/3rd of the people are not with you. So you have to make choices, preserve the military or Syria. The Democrats would run the military into the ground. So you have to make choices. I choose to lower the op tempo.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats want to cry, because they want an issue. They have not been for a good defense budget of policy since Truman, so screw those lying sacks of ____!"

Couple things. Many R's criticizing the pullout, Sen. Graham chief among them.
Moreover, both parties are equal opportunists when it comes to the fetishization of the troops and blowing trillions on the Nat Sec state. From LBJ and yes, Obama, who DID NOT, check military spending. Check his budgets, follow the dollars.

Anonymous said...

Russia and Iran and Assad rule and we screw the rebels and Israel and the Kurds...meanwhile, strong man Trump now allows this:

Russia announces plans to set up its first ever military base in the Caribbean

Anonymous said...

"Russia announces plans to set up its first ever military base in the Caribbean"

The Russians were in Cuba from 1959 until 1991. Russia is back there because they have the money that they did not have for 3 or 4 decades due to economic conditions.

So no it is not their 1st ever military base.

Anonymous said...

Couple things.

"Many R's criticizing the pullout, Sen. Graham chief among the"
There are many R's that will criticize an R but never a D. Graham is one of the Gang of Eight. Not much is expected from him. Should I use the pronoun him for Ms Lindsey? The term RINOS came about for a valid reason. Many so called Republicans like FLake and Corker fit the bill. So Trump got criticized by some nominal Republicans and ?

"Obama, who DID NOT, check military spending"
Have you heard of sequestration under Obama? Are you really worth what your boss is paying you?

"Check his budgets, follow the dollars"

I did. You are a liar, a very poor liar. Are you really worth what your boss is paying you? I hope you live in a totalitarian regime, because life could get very interesting for you, since you are so bad at trolling.

LBJ was in it to win it, but he was not very bright. Or maybe he was and he had too many skillets on the fire, Vietnam War, Great Society, stealing TV station to give to his wife

The Honest Graft of Lady Bird Johnson
How she and Lyndon came by their millions.

The defense dollar war mongering argument by the Left has been around since the 1960s and it is bogus. Defense spending as a % of GDP has been going down since the mid-1960s. Maybe other countries should free their citizens so they can grow their countries' GDP. HMMMM?

Mike Feldhake said...

I agree with the Pull out, also agree with the gist of the above statement. No way to win, side benefit; Russia and Iran pay the bill Hehe! MAGA!

Mike Feldhake said...

...oh yes, Obama f'd pub Syria when he did not enforce his Red Line.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:46 are you done bleating?

Your contention that D's are out to "run the military into the ground" has no grounding in reality.

The "sequester" was a clever bit phrasing used to scare people. Obama's budgets in no way slashed spending on defense and kept DOD spending consistent compared to 43.

If you bothered to read the Wapo article you cited, it clearly shows DOD budgets actually ticked up under Obama. But, yeah, news rags like the Daily Signal are highly credible sources. That $561 billion budget in 2016 (over $800 billion when you factor in the DOE, DHS and veterans affairs) really "gutted" the military. It's a wonder the the generals, admirals, lobbyists and corporate execs. even survived. How did America survive?

You may want to expand your horizons and get out of your bubble. Or not. Probably not.

Anonymous said...

"Obama's budgets in no way slashed spending on defense and kept DOD spending consistent compared to 43. "

Are you done lying or maybe you cannot read a graph. I suggest that you go back to 1st grade and learn how to read a number line. With great luck and you will need it you might be able to under stand what the greater than (>) and Less than (<) symbols mean.

So here is another graph and maybe just maybe you can get it right.
Moron, please note the minus signs (-) in the row labeled "Defense Spending % Change"

First Obama Budget: 688.18 (2010)
Last Obama budget: 609.76 (2017)

About that WAPo article I linked, the 1st graph clearly shows that you lied, moron. If you read it correctly that when it came to the war on terror (Al Qaeda/ ISIS), Obama was not in it to win it. Let me point this out to you since you are a moron. Read the red part of the graph.

Anonymous said...

"when you factor in the DHS & veterans affairs"

So you want no security checks at airports. Would it make it easier to be a butt bomber?

You hate the VA? If someone gets blown up by an IED placed by one of your friends, do you want us to kick that veteran to the curb, when he comes home?

Anon 11:52, you are a bleating moron.

Anonymous said...

Name calling, the surest sign one is losing.

According to the wiki article, it clearly shows that war spending as % of the federal budget DID NOT significantly change over the last 20 years. Are you really contending that a $79 billion decrease over 7 years, roughly S11 billion per year somehow defanged America's vast military advantage over the rest of the world? That's chump change, a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, you should have figured out that neither party is in it to win it. First, there is zero popular political support for our pointless, foolish land wars in Asia. What would winning even look like when you are fighting a state of mind?

Second, why "win" when you can use the specter of "terrorism" as an excuse to for continual, high-level funding for the MIC. Plus, the huge swath from MENA to SW Asia provides an excellent real-world test ground for the world's weapons manufacturers to display their wares. Why disrupt the gravy train by "winning".

I would guess you are a boomer who fought and lost in Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

"According to the wiki article, it clearly shows that war spending as % of the federal budget DID NOT significantly change "

The clearly shows there is a downward trend on defense spending as a percentage of GDP.

Where is the "DID NOT" significantly change in in a downward slope?

"somehow defanged America's vast military advantage over the rest of the world"
Compare apples to apples Compare tanks to tanks and division to divisions.

just because the Chinese use slave labor to make their stuff does not mean that our stuff 'better' because it costs more.

"high-level funding for the MIC"

- You do not define high level
- Using MIC shows that you are deficient in your knowledge of sociology.

Terrorism is not a spectre. It is real

Anonymous said...

Israeli official ‘in shock’ as Trump says Iran ‘can do what they want’ in Syria
‘It is sad that he is not attentive to intelligence materials,’ senior Jerusalem source quoted as saying of US president

Anonymous said...

I don't care what Israel says. The fact is we do not have a consensus. Without a consensus you have no business being in a war. If you do not have the willpower do not start counting how many weapons of various types you have.

War will come to America whether we want it or not and whether we ever did or do anything. Now is not the time. Something drastic has to change like convert to Islam and put women in kitchen barefoot and pregnant (hijab outdoors), get rid of all the liberals, something. But until then America does not belong in a war.

Until then what is going to happen? Prostitutes will report "Look at what is happening to those people. We have to done something" As soon as we do something the Ho's of the press will start narratives like the body counts.

Anonymous said...

Let me amend what I said about Israel. I do not care what one Israeli official says. We are on our timetable not his.

Every time the Dims sends operatives over to make Israel into putzes, the Israelis should smack them right back with a media campaign. That way they would not have to worry about America's time table.