Wednesday, January 30, 2019

President Trump's War Strategy Under Fire From Top Intelligence Officials And The Top Senate Republican

Image: U.S. President Donald Trump sits behind his desk as he announces a bilateral trade agreement with Mexico to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) at the White House in Washington, U.S., August 27, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo

The Hill: Trump war strategy takes one-two punch

President Trump’s strategy in Syria and Afghanistan took a one-two punch on Tuesday, first from his own intelligence officials and then from the Senate’s top Republican.

The top intelligence officials offered a contradictory assessment of Trump’s statement that ISIS has been defeated, warning that thousands of the terrorist organization’s fighters remain in Iraq and Syria and that the group is “intent on resurging.”

The warning was delivered by Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and CIA Director Gina Haspel in a hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee and an accompanying report on worldwide threats.

Read more ....

Previous Post: U.S. Senate Leader Offers Legislation To Keep U.S. Troops In Syria And Afghanistan (January 29, 2019)

WNU Editor: Democrats are also getting involved .... Dems reintroduce bill to prevent nuclear first strike without congressional approval (The Hill). As to what is my take on this split between the White House and the intel community/top Republicans. The Washington foreign policy/Pentagon/intel establishment is what got the U.S. into quagmires like Afghanistan and the Middle East, and it will not be these same people who will get the U.S. out. President Trump was elected as an outsider to shake things up, and to confront this status quo. And while I do not know if he will succeed, he has certainly made those who run Washington very nervous and worried.


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Usual commentary from the WNU Editor then.

"Trump is great, and he can do no wrong..."

Anonymous said...

1) Why do we need a war strategy? We are not at war.

2) If we were at war, why did Obama cut the defense budget?

3) If we are at war, why are liberals carping about the defense budget? has a pie chart framed to make the defense budget look big and bad. Look at their partners and is is all liberals. The organization was started by a bunch of hippies. It give them a make work job, status and importance. How well would they do in the real world?

If liberals are so concerned with spending (budget size) can we pay Russia or Chinese prices for military equipment? So as to not go broke we would have to take it out of their hide/bank accounts.

4) If we are at war, why are the liberals always cozying up to the enemy?

5) If we are at war, why does the military have police department Rules of Engagement (ROE)?

6) If we are at war, why does the enemy have safe bases/sanctuaries?
Is this some large game of Sorry and a grandiose joke played on the American people by liberals?

7) Why are liberals okay with a safety zone and home for the enemy?

If WW2 ended yesterday would Argentina be a safety zone for NAZIs?
Would it be a verbotten for Israel to go after Eichmann in Argentina?

Anonymous said...

waste of time, effort...nonsense about liberals is bullshit
who in charge of WWI and II? Liberals
you deal with cliches and huge worthless generalizations a sure sign of Deplorable

Anonymous said...

"who in charge of WWI and II? Liberals"

Do you want a verb somewhere in there English major?

Cliches? IS it normal practice to decrease defense spending before you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

France and Britain would have won WW1 without the Americans. The Germans were starving from the British blockade. BTW Winston Churchill was broke that laws of war by running war munitions on neutral flagged ships.

The generals won the war. FDR lengthened WW2 by one year by launching Operation Torch.

Democrats allowed the Iron Curtain to descend over Europe. Democrats allowed Korea to be divided.

Democrats allowed Polish land to be stolen.

I will agree that it is a waste of time and effort for you to debate, since you are so outclassed.

Anonymous said...

number four
who is cozy with Russia, the enemy? TRUMP

Anonymous said...

Earlier, one of the usual suspects posted about the evil company PG&E.

Environmentalists push back against PG&E tree cutting in Santa Cruz Mountains

So now liberals are suing PG&E into the ground for not cutting the trees.

Typical libs. They will damn you, if you do or don't.

So who really is evil. One pundit a generation ago said evil was banal. It fits. Liberals want to remain ignorant and then when things go bad they learn a little bit more and accuse others of not doing what they asked them not to do.

That is just evil.

fred said...

House Democrats taunt GOP with vote to oppose shutdowns
Trump White House stonewalls as Puerto Rico aid runs dry
Exclusive: Trump EPA won't limit 2 toxic chemicals in drinking water.
GOP rejects bill to give back pay to federal contractors, wants to repeal estate tax instead

Anonymous said...


Marina Gross was there. She heard but did not record. Are you going to go after a woman too? What is next children?

Wait, the Democrat governors of New York and Virginia just declared open season on children.

Democrats feel powerful enough now that they can drop the mask and go back to the ancient ways of child sacrifice for fun and profit.

This is what the fruitcake would have us believe.

Putin: "When I launch a 1st strike against America, do not respond. Do not give the military aid with the nuclear football the go ahead to launch a retaliatory strike."

Trump "Okay"

Marina Gross: "I heard nothing!"

Smutter: "That is exactly how it went down! That is why there were no recordings! I know, I'll vote Democrat and for defense cuts. That will make things right!"

Anonymous said...

Liberals did NOT sue PGand E for failing to cut trees..

Anonymous said...

NRA says 2015 Moscow trip wasn’t 'official.' Emails, photos reveal gun group's role

fred said...

Russians leaked Mueller investigation evidence online, prosecutors say

More than 1,000 files shared confidentially appeared to have been uploaded to a filesharing site, according to court documents

Anonymous said...

People leak stuff all the time in Washington.

This is a witch hunt. The more they leak and prove that Mueller is a sand bagging Son of Bitch, the better.

He has nothing.

I am very anti-communist. I would not tolerate collusion.

The people doing the colluding are the Democrats like The Clintons (Uranium One).

Bird Brain is just along for the ride, for whatever the MSM tells him.

Anonymous said...

that you say what you do about the urainium tells us you know little or nothing about what has gone on

AZuLike said...

I don't think fred is 90. I think he's just a troll now.

fred said...

I am not 90. I am turning 90 Aug 18 this year
A.S. a fake name, has found and used my life tape I had made for Rutgers and since got his rocks off in stalking me and dropping things about my life...but now that you know, i assume you will send me a card or sing happy birthday in August